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  1. #21
    Elite Master Team Kaos's Avatar
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    Indeed, Spectral Touch is pretty bad ass. Just messing around with some Gauntlet work and low and behold your half drained before you lift your weapon. Wonder if armor type reduces its drain. Hubba took only about 12.5% hit in his Gold Heavy Armor while Prodigal was zapped at just about 30% in his Epic/Gold light/med armor.
    Certainly could prove devastating to a Rage and Theatrics that cant land huge crits on high agility shadow dancers



  2. #22
    Pit Master Apoca1ypse's Avatar
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    Jeez, thats scary!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nate View Post
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  3. #23
    Elite Master Adoede's Avatar
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    Jan 2014
    You guys talked up Spectral Touch so much I thought I'd check for myself. Took Seraph Zeta in a Hard Gauntlet run solo. Nobody mentioned that Spectral Touch only drains endurance some of the times it hits and other times it does...nothing. It can also be blocked and deflected. Out of 22 Spectral Touches against Seraph Zeta in eight rounds, only 3 drained his endurance (about 11%). On top of that, the most I saw anyone throw Spectral Touch was once every 6 rounds...and no one gladiator threw more than 3 of them in a fight over 25 minutes.

    In the end, Seraph Zeta still dropped all opponents from exhaustion - Spectral Touch be darned. Maybe it will be better with a real manager using it, but it definitely has its strengths and weaknesses.
    Last edited by Adoede; 01-26-2015 at 10:57 PM.
    Adoede | Tevrosin

  4. #24
    Elite Master Kreegan's Avatar
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    I don't expect it to be incredibly effective vs. defensive Wars (yes, deflections, Create Distance) but the other builds should definitely be scared of that skill. It reminds me of Rampage targeting the endurance. It has to be tested in Blood Gods for sure though.

  5. #25
    Elite Master Team Kaos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adoede View Post
    You guys talked up Spectral Touch so much I thought I'd check for myself. Took Seraph Zeta in a Hard Gauntlet run solo. Nobody mentioned that Spectral Touch only drains endurance some of the times it hits and other times it does...nothing. It can also be blocked and deflected. Out of 22 Spectral Touches against Seraph Zeta in eight rounds, only 3 drained his endurance (about 11%). On top of that, the most I saw anyone throw Spectral Touch was once every 6 rounds...and no one gladiator threw more than 3 of them in a fight over 25 minutes.

    In the end, Seraph Zeta still dropped all opponents from exhaustion - Spectral Touch be darned. Maybe it will be better with a real manager using it, but it definitely has its strengths and weaknesses.
    That's in line with what I showed and said, Seraph Zeta is hunkering down in Gold Heavy Armor, of course it can be blocked, its an activated offensive attack.

    As always, not every skill is designed for every opponent, the strategy to drain out a tank is probably not the best approach for a non tank fighter.
    There is also the passive Chilling Aura at lvl 50 that likely heaps a supersized serving of energy drain.
    You mentioned you gave it a run through on Hard, let me know if you give it a whirl on Nightmare and what the effects boost up to.

  6. #26
    Elite Master Adoede's Avatar
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    Alright, tried it on Nightmare with Duke Nukem and Seraph Zeta. As luck would have it, matched up against three shadows and filler in the first round. Very interesting fight.

    Two of the shadows tried spectral touch 6 times and only got through once. That hit took 35 stamina from Duke Nukem's 268. That's about 13% of his total. Nothing dangerous there.

    The other guy...oh man. Hit with Spectral Touch 4 times and drained stamina all four times. He also drained 75-77 endurance per hit. That's about 28% (my guess is it's percentage based depending on your stats). He must be running with Chilling Aura as well and have stats suited for those skills.

    How did the fight end, you ask? Duke Nukem got taken down in the last minute by a flurry of blows (Dual Strike seems to be very effective against heavy armor). Seraph Zeta was mano-a-mano against that "other guy". That guy hit with his fourth spectral touch of the match...and Seraph Zeta went down from exhaustion from the blow in minute twenty-something. So yes, I believe I was the first glad to be found with full legendary heavy armor intact and eerily defeated by a shadow blow.

    One other thing - one of the glads was triggering Spectral Touch every 5 rounds (not 6 as previously noted).

    If this attack truly takes more than a quarter of one's endurance in one shot, it will be devastating to everybody. Looks like a really fun build. And a tank-killer.
    Adoede | Tevrosin

  7. #27
    Legendary Master Cynaidh's Avatar
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    So spectral touch sounds nice!

    I did start a 2nd glad with high pres and chi to try out spectral touch, the glad i am going with for this build is Drayn who has the stats: 71-91-81-80-67-83-82

    Planning on going:

    10 exotic
    10 spectral touch (gah it sucks you have to wait till level 20 to skip the teir 2 skills if you have 10 weapon skill, going to do some stat training till 20 i guess)
    10 weapon finesse
    10 armor movement
    10 dual strike
    10 blazing speed
    10 entangle
    10 uncanny dodge
    10 riposte
    10 chilling aura

    The thought is to use whip/net and keep them entangled or knocked down till their stamina is drained out.
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  8. #28
    Elite Master Team Kaos's Avatar
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    Well I can honestly say after about 500 combined fights, I have yet to figure out a consistent strategy to land critical hits. A few here and there but a whole lot of glancing and 20 or less point hits.
    I have two glads running with Spectral Touch and its really been the biggest asset for them so far, with the ability to i]tire out even some tanking war's. None are past level 30 yet, so its premature to make any judgements on the other skills. Although the one glad not running Spectral Touch is not fairing as well with Sixth Sense and Weapon Finesse. I was hoping to see a pretty good increase in initiative and critical's but so far no returns.

  9. #29
    Pit Master Dainoji's Avatar
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    I was hoping to see a pretty good increase in initiative and critical's but so far no returns.
    Not sure why you would be hoping to see this. None of the skills you mentioned say they would do that. Sixth Sense lowers the opponent's defense and Weapon Finesse increases your attack power and defense. I suppose the higher attack power will help with better crits, but for a skill that doesn't outright say it will do that I wouldn't expect much in that area. I noticed my shadow glad starting winning a lot more after maxing Weapon Finesse though. If you want increased initiative you'll need to train Blazing Speed and increasing your agility and presence will help too. For increased crits, I don't see anything in the Shadow tree that does that. You can try increasing your chi and using the Spite race though. Probably play around with your blood lust as well along with activity level.

    Spectral touch is awesome and I look forward to dropping all the tanks with it. I predict this specialty is going to force a shift in the meta regarding how tanks are managed due to the new mechanic of being able to attack endurance and not just health. Adds another interesting dimension to the game.
    Last edited by Dainoji; 02-15-2015 at 10:51 PM.
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  10. #30
    Free Citizen Ogornomus's Avatar
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    I don't have a shadow trainer my self, but I have encountered some shadow gladiators and most of them look like speed rages. No armor, a lor of attacks with blade(exotic) weapons.
    So far so standard. As my gladiators leveled up I saw a few shadow with Spectral Touch. Now that is scary. It shaved off almost third of my tank gladiator's endurance (twice).
    It's only downside is that it doesn't do damage, other than that I don't see a point why a shadow would not have it.
    Unlike defensive gladiators who tire out opponents over time, by managing their stamina better then the opponent, the shadow actively drains it while maintaining good attack. Maybe it's me but I don't see how a defensive gladiator can win. If I attack I lose because I gave up defence and the shadow is a better attacker, if I defend he will just drain me.
    Also if someone has endurance management triggers where the gladiator takes less attacks or with less bloodlust, Spectral Touch can trigger it prematurely therefore mittigating damage.
    Maybe if it didn't drain so much endurance...

    Also there are some shadows who were realy hard to hit, even though they don't have shields. Maybe because they were HoL slaves, but I guess it was one of the skills/strategies available to them. I like those.

    I hope the other two specialisations in Shadow & Myst will at least be able to wear medium if not heavy armor. I don't like my gladiators dressed in rags.

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