Ya i know i am not particularly impressed with Chilling Aura on Drayn, it just doesn't seem to help much at all. I have a feeling Drayn might be getting retired soon as he hits 1000 fights, not sure if this build is anything i want to try to get to level 55.

Speaking of level 55, Zynaidh is now in the leveling hell of going from 50 to 55, I am finding this to be the most unfun aspect of pit of war currently, i don't get what the point of having months of leveling time where you are matched up with people at level 55 and the new level 55 gear (that's just insainly better stats, talk about gear inflation) really is for, its not fun, i don't see how it serves any purpose except as a time gate of 3-4 months, where you have nothing to do but tavern missions to try and speed it up a bit, before you can be competitive. Its the most boring wait i've ever seen in the pits. He isn't even halfway threw this god forsaken exp grind so still probably a couple of months before I'll be able to see how he can do against level 55 glads on an even playing field.