Hoy people.
I would like your opinion on defensive Theatrics.
Are they any good? Can they survive in competitive ranks? By that I mean on Top Primus and Blood Gods.
I would like my first HoL glad to be one.
Thanks for your time.
Yes, they are.
No, they aren't.
Hoy people.
I would like your opinion on defensive Theatrics.
Are they any good? Can they survive in competitive ranks? By that I mean on Top Primus and Blood Gods.
I would like my first HoL glad to be one.
Thanks for your time.
For now i see no successful theatrics with a shield in the Primus or Blood Gods brackets. If You mean a shield as a "defense".
But (and IMO) every theatrics is defensive.
I have the HOL gladiator in the Primus (Deirdre Sorrow). She's ranked something about 10 now.
And she doing well even (sometimes) against Lethal Formula's gladiators (His gladiators are pretty good, uses good strategies and has a nice gear).
She's armed with two whips and uses the strategy of "bad conditions": Signature Moves, Gratuitous Violence, Entangle.
And she spends something like a half of the time in a defensive and half of the time in an offensive stances...
Also, i have see another gladiator, Erin Gobraugh in the TOP of Primus brackets. She doing something like that too. And, perhaps, more successfully. And there is a few Blood Gods gladiators which trying to build strategies like this.
Also, i guess, it's possible to make a "more" defensive theatrics using a net and (for example) trident.
// But be aware, non-speed theatrics are really complex to build...
Last edited by weaw; 01-16-2015 at 12:28 PM.
yes they are good I just dont now how to make them good yet. My glad lesser evil is at the very bottom of Blood gods
(Briteron_by), Theatrics, imperial guards, (subjects), MOTU
Manager since December 2010.
Hey guys, thanks for taking time to reply.
Yes, I mean on being spite with shield, medium armory and mostly play parry, counter.. I realize they are complex to run, but they are so rare and different, which I always like. I am always about being on the other side.
Oedi, you already have something I am aiming for, even tho I would probably use bigger shield and medium torso for better defense, you are the experienced one and know whole lot more about top plays then I do.
Wanna slip in some tips? :P
Sad, but it seems the only build that will lose to "defensive theatrics" is speed-theatrics now...
But since You like to try it, good luck to You. :)
Hahaha, as weaw says, defensive theatrics is really good against speed builds- and I just so happen to be running a lot of speed builds, and defensive theatrics screw my glads over, a lot XD
Stable: Frostee Fyre-
Baratheonus, Snivlez, Doomedsoul, Godly Greg, Bloody Bill, Benevolent Ben, Raging Rick, Dangerous Dan
~Regular Gladiator, HoL Gladiator, Retired Gladiator~
A fast Rage might squat and jump like a crazy frog! They are really, really Hard to Hit now.
And they might do a good damage vs defensive gladiators due to their specific skills and fighting styles.
So, i think, right now a defensive theatrics not a problem for them.
So, the only build which will lose is exactly speed-theatrics. And, perhaps, some strange war builds.
Defensive theatrics can be very dominant...there was a time when Bloody Lady was nigh untouchable by stacking armor with +defense bonus. I think she had something like +290 defense.
But...the game has evolved again and managers have come up with counter-builds. There are now other defensive builds that are superior and thus the defensive theatrics have fallen by the wayside. But, it's just a matter of time before someone creates an iteration of a defensive theatrics that can be dominant once more. Perhaps you will give it a try? Personally, I prefer skill theatrics myself. Complex, sure - but lots of fun to try to work out.
Just so you know, Defensive theatrics that stack +defense don't work anymore because they get outlasted by tanking wars. Given the preponderance of tanking wars in the top levels of blood gods, that turns out to be a fatal weakness. Find a way around that and you've got something good.
Adoede | Tevrosin
I was just thinking about Bloody Lady too!
I think they are viable - it just depends on how you build it, how you equip it, and how you run it.
When builds are described as "defensive" or "offensive" it's a bit misleading. It's kinda like in chess when players ask for aggressive or solid openings - in that case it's not the opening it's how you yourself play it.
In the same respect, this holds true for how you develop your glad - you don't have to feel limited to being a one trick pony.
With the right build and strategy you can have a strong glad that you enjoy. He may not necessarily win the Blood Games, but he should certainly be capable of getting to retirement at the least (if you felt a need to try something else).
Theatrics has a lot of strong skills that offer a lot of utility and flexibility.
Stable: Stormcloak
Current Glads: Lachdanan (human war), Ecthelion (human war), Kedro (rage elaar), Acheros (war elaar), Tsiroth (war elaar)
HOL Retirees: Rauthreygo (human war), Farkas (rage elaar), Vilkus (theatrics elaar), Thalvric (war elaar), Gamling (war dunder), Kresjack (theatrics elaar), Percivus (war spite), Agravaine (war elaar)
The right words, but too general...
What to do with the specific question: How to defeat a War using shield?
The right answer in my opinion is: nohow.
I see only three ways for Theatrics vs War: Bleeding, Knockout and, perhaps, Entangle with a net. Any of these ways excludes a shield usage ...