Fantastic guide Adoede!
This deserves a sticky

The most important aspect I’ve found is to have a vision for your glad and to try and make sure the strategies fit in with the weapons, bonuses, and skills you’ve put together.
And yes, you will definitely have to adapt your strategies based on what you're up against. What worked well in one bracket may not work so well in the next and it depends on the builds you're facing. This is even more true at the higher levels where glads that can beat your particular build may try to take advantage of that with the challenge system. If you're creative, you can set up some fairly intricate blocks of tactical logic and turn a struggling glad completely around. Reviewing your glad's fight performance definitely helps with this. Try to find triggers and levels that take advantage of your strengths or compensate for your weaknesses (or do the opposite for your opponent). And if you make a change, try to give it at least a few fights before you make a judgement call on it, unless you find something obviously incorrect in it (and keep notes so you can switch back if you have to!)