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  1. #11
    Elite Master oedi's Avatar
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    The 200hp difference between a lvl 50 and a lvl 55 gladiator is also a factor, but long story short, a lvl 50 gladiator with a full build will still be competitive. some glads in the overall top 15 are lvl 53 or lower. Unholy Guardian and Duke Nukem come to mind.
    If by competetive you mean almost good enough to win, I agree, but I dont like almost good enough so atm Im just waiting for my guys to get to lvl 55, wich will take them another couple of months. Until then the only thing ill do is to log in to keep them active. When they get to lvl 55 the plan is to buy them new gear, update strats and turn on achievments again.
    I also expect my new guy currently in primus to get to lvl 55 before any of my old glads, and if hes getting to close to to BG induction Ill equip him with greys to keep him out.
    Unless you plan to retire I see no reason at all to get `promoted` to Blood gods before lvl 55.
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  2. #12
    Elite Master Kreegan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Apoca1ypse View Post
    If you have a gladiator with a complete build, gear will not play as much of a difference as you may think. I've noticed that the difference between lvl 50 legendaries and lvl 55 legendaries is pretty minor. In some cases, I've found that lvl 50 items have the best stats available for a build.

    The 200hp difference between a lvl 50 and a lvl 55 gladiator is also a factor, but long story short, a lvl 50 gladiator with a full build will still be competitive. some glads in the overall top 15 are lvl 53 or lower. Unholy Guardian and Duke Nukem come to mind.
    Sometimes I wonder if some of you people play a different game.

    The difference in HP between lvl 50 and lvl 55 is more like 500 points and it's quite noticeable. Also, I don't agree that gear is "not all that important", it certainly matters a lot if you will fight with a weapon dealing 300-500 damage at lvl 50 and its bigger brother at lvl 55 which deals 500-800 damage. Same for armour. I don't see any top performers with obsolete gear in Blood Gods except the tanks and their case is special. Unholy Guardian is lvl 54, with lvl 53 gear, which is near top quality. The big difference is between lvl 50 and lvl 51 items, after that the gap becomes smaller.

    @Avengelyn, by grinder I mean a VERY unfair competition for all new entries in Blood Gods and very intense fighting for pretty much all participants. Leveling was faster but the expenses were also much higher, especially during those few months when the repair of legendaries cost 70-80% more than the maximum amount of gold you could earn for a win. 5-6 serious injuries per gladiator per day were something normal, even with a Doctor. Now it's much more relaxed (and I really like it that way), albeit slower. The fight pairing scheme allows less developed and thus less competitive fighters to face similar opponents rather than going against the entire population of the bracket, which means that you are no longer forced to lose for months until you build and equip your fighter. Of course, you will still need to wait for a while before being able to compete for the top spots but that has always been the case, even in Primus times. The access to legendary gear is now more generous so with decent performance, you can come up with a competitive gladiator in a few months.

  3. #13
    Elite Master Adoede's Avatar
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    I love all the new changes, but I agree that they have created some minor issues with leveling glads in blood gods and re-training skills to try out new builds. I also have some glads in the lower ranks that I'm purposefully keeping there to level faster.

    Easy fix: triple the experience points and training points awarded in blood gods for arena fights and tavern fights. Then there's little reason to stay in Primus.
    Last edited by Adoede; 12-08-2014 at 05:44 AM.
    Adoede | Tevrosin

  4. #14
    Pit Master Apoca1ypse's Avatar
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    When I PM'd Nate about it a while ago, he said he had some plans to alleviate the issues with reduce experience gain in Blood Gods, so he is aware of it.

    He is but 1 man, so be patient
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nate View Post
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  5. #15
    Training Dummy
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    Quote Originally Posted by Apoca1ypse View Post
    When I PM'd Nate about it a while ago, he said he had some plans to alleviate the issues with reduce experience gain in Blood Gods, so he is aware of it.

    He is but 1 man, so be patient
    That is good to hear. Like many I am trying to avoid getting any of my guys to blood gods to quickly. I have guys who arent even level 50 yet who are bumping up near top of primus...sigh. Seventy or so days per level 50+ in blood gods seems a bit slow. At least the new blood gods format is good and you wont have to eat hundreds of losses while trying to catch up, nice job on that Nate

    -Rokchewer, Manager of Team Triangle, Soulmaidens and Blakwater

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