Season 11 - War of the Ancients
I'm really excited about this update and hope many of you enjoy it. This update sees a lot of changes to the Blood Gods bracket and the Seasons tournament. This is the first big step on the new road map for PoW bringing it back towards its roots and focusing on quality over quantity. This is going to happen in steps and sometimes we might be out of phase with one update implemented and the next not ready yet, making the current environment less than ideal but I'll do my best to work as fast as I can. I still have a couple of wrinkles to iron out (such as the daily rewards), however, in the meantime please see below for more details:
Note, the below only pertains to Blood Gods, Seasons and Primus gladiators who will soon be promoted.
Now, without further ado:
* Seasons are now 4 weeks long instead of 8.
* Blood God gladiators automatically fight (and are resurrected if needed at their owner's expense) once per day at 2pm PST.
* XP and Training Points awarded per fight has been increased in response to fighting less, however, only slightly. A slower pace is intentional. Additional ways to speed up XP for Blood Gods may be introduced later.
* No more patron blood god teams.
* There are two leader boards. Weekly and overall. The weekly leader board resets each week.
* Similar to how the lower brackets work, how well a gladiator does in a fight affects their rating, not just their record.
* Match making is no longer a round robin and is instead based on a gladiator's rating from the overall leader board.
* A gladiator's next opponent is unknown and pulled from a pool of similarly rated gladiators.
* Gladiators can fight teammates if they are closely rated.
* BGP are awarded weekly to all gladiators based on their rating from the overall leader board.
* Bonus BGP are awarded at the end of the season to the top 3 gladiators in each category on the overall leader board.
* Bonus BGP are awarded daily and weekly to the top 3 gladiators in each category on the weekly leader board.
* In the event there are an odd number of gladiators in the Season, the Arena officials will provide an opponent to whoever doesn't get matched up.
With the change to the match making algorithm and the inclusion of a weekly leader board that resets, all gladiators will have a good chance of competing for top spots on it and the Blood God bracket will be far more hospitable for the uninitiated. Promotions from Primus will continue to happen once per week, and as there will be a weekly leader board they'll be able to jump right into the competition. Later a much more interesting and extensive reward system will come online.
Additionally, with the slower pace in Blood Gods of one fight per day instead of 8+, I'm offering anyone who is interested in re-recruiting any of their Hall of Legends gladiators who were once Blood Gods free of charge for a limited time, provided there is room in their stable. If you would like to take me up on this offer, send me a PM ASAP and let me know the names of those HoL gladiators you would like to re-recruit.
As I mentioned above, I'm still tying up some loose ends, if you think you found something strange please let me know. Thanks!
Good luck in the Pit!