I somewhat agree that training point awards need some boost at this point, but this is only if there are no plans to earn them from elsewhere AND if the requirements to get promoted from Primus to Blood Gods stay the same (meaning they don't get increased).

The above (including the ifs) applies to the gold awards, they are minuscule at the moment and the Gauntlet + largely the Conquests will quickly become unaffordable without gold mules in the lower brackets.

I don't think that the players who currently pay cash to maintain the performance of their gladiators will stop doing so. Memberships are relatively cheap and can be maintained to a large extent by the daily trophy drops and the Arena Challenges. Most of the trophies go for activating the 3-6 achievement slots and quickly re-equipping the gladiator (Argh Pirate for example got full legendary outfit literally a few days after ascending from Primus, that's achievable only with heavy trophy spending) so this is likely to remain the same.

That said, I think 2 fights per day will fit the format better. 28 fights per season don't seem much and may lead to awkward positioning depending on the opponents which will not necessarily reflect the given gladiator's real abilities, which in turn might lead to awards going in pretty much random direction. Still, it is premature to pass judgement about this before the first such "season" ends so I'm just putting that here of now.

The rest of the changes are more than welcome.