How many Premium Slaves one might buy for a gladiator being retired to Hall of Legend?
How many Premium Slaves one might buy for a gladiator being retired to Hall of Legend?
well, for one retired gladiator you get to buy one premium slave.
wew, so it's like a new game + eh
but aren't slaves being sold in a batch of 3? if it loads 3 premium slaves wouldn't I be able to catch them all?
Nope, you can only purchase 1 HoL slave for 1 retiree, I believe you can only access the HoL slavemarket to purchase one glad, after that it is no longer available to you until you retire another glad. Remember, if you don't like the 3 options it offers you, you can wait as long as you like for as many resets as you like, HoL is where you can be really picky
Stable: Frostee Fyre-
Baratheonus, Snivlez, Doomedsoul, Godly Greg, Bloody Bill, Benevolent Ben, Raging Rick, Dangerous Dan
~Regular Gladiator, HoL Gladiator, Retired Gladiator~
After you retire a warrior the 3 standard slaves you see in the slave market are replaced with 3 premium slaves instead. Once you buy 1 of those, its back to normal until you retire another warrior.
Hope that clears things up for you.
Avengelyn, Manager of Lethal Formula
oh i see thanks guys
and what is the maximum stats for HoL slaves?
From what I can tell the average standard rollup would be 65 per ability, and the average HoL would be 75 per ability. For certain HoL ability max on rollup is 100.
Avengelyn, Manager of Lethal Formula
not much difference is it
well, need to be extremely picky then
Well, an average of +10 on all stats is pretty huge! Having the possibility of 100 size and stuff makes it just so much more awesome. Good luck searching for this, tho.
By the way: what happens if you sell a HOL slave? Do you get another HoL or a normal one?
Stable: Thors Throne
- Thor Odinson ! Finally retired ! Searching for my next Odin !
- Freya Odrvif! Finally retired ! Searching for my next Friya !
- Odin Allvatir ! The fucking beast amongst gods (Bihander warrior)
- Friya ! Fast & Furious
Normal one. Only retiring can get you a hol unless you win the gauntlet prize/seasons prize