Quote Originally Posted by Adoede View Post

It's actually gotten much easier to get access to HOL glads. Used to be only for glads who retired with +55% win/loss after 1500 fights...Nowadays, it is down to 1000 fights and the percentage needed goes down the more fights you have (as low as 30-something percent win/loss for glads with lots of fights). That means eventually everyone can access the HOL glads.

Think of the time spent earning your first HOL glad as padawan-training and it's not so bad. If you use trophies for the doubling of training points and arena tokens you can retire a glad in about two months or so...
I understand what you are saying but this game is already decidedly slow paced, then your telling new players they can look at 2 months of "padawaning" at least even if they pay is a lot to ask.

Quote Originally Posted by Nate View Post
Don't let the others get you down. HoL glads have better stats yes, but they are not so far superior as to be unbalanced or unbeatable. They are also rare, the vast majority of your matchups will not be against them. There are original non-HoL gladiators alive today that do well. Think of it as something to aspire towards, not a roadblock.

Good luck in the Pit!

Yea I get that but ultimately when you boil it down my non Hol guys are at a disadvantage. Part of its human nature as you referred to earlier in the thread but I really can't help but think no matter what I do the guys I'm using atm don't have the same potential.