Sorry I was in my cage eating. I just took a look at the chat log. Sorry if my example confused anyone. I was just trying to illustrate how the mechanic worked with a simple example. Looks like it didn't go over so well. In any case, yes everyone's trophy balance has been increased by a multiple of 40 along with many things in the game to keep it equal. As I mentioned in the original post some prices went up many went down.

It is important to note that you did not lose any buying power during this change. As the tide went up, so did all the boats. The only difference is some things cost a little bit more now and many things cost a lot less. In addition it is far easier to win and find trophies in the game now.

If you still don't understand or have any questions, please send me a message and I'll be happy to go over it with you.

Good luck in the Pit!
