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Meanwhile at the Hall of Legends the never ending party continued, legends from the arena sat, drank, and told stories of their days of glory in the pits. The mood was jovial and all the former gladiators where happy and content in their retirement, all except for in one back corner that was shroud in darkness where four of the gladiators sat wearing heavy hooded cloaks. There was no happiness at this table, no drinks were being consumed, and they simply sat in silence. Other legends of the pit occasionally came over to banter with these former foes, but they never quite made it to the table. The closer you came to the corner where they sat you could feel in the air more and more the hate, the rage, the pain coming off these four figures. They had been sent to the hall too soon, they still craved battle, and blood-lust still flowed through their veins. Their songs of victory and courage where not yet complete, the Halls of Legends was not their final resting place, it was their prison.
Outside the front doors of the hall a mountain of a man stood, 12 feet tall and over a ton of muscle, bone and steel, he had no name he simply called The Behemoth. He had been standing at the closed door for hours, clearly pondering if he was doing the right thing. Suddenly he struck out hitting the door of the Halls of Legends three times with the flat of his axe and a sound not unlike thunder rolled through the hall with each blow. By the third blow there was nothing but silence in the hall and a great voice was heard from threw the door “Your time of rest is done, alliances are being broken, new teams are being formed, and you are needed once again.”
The four hooded figures all stood at once back in their corner of the hall, throwing off their cloaks exposing the armor and weapons they still yet wore. Armor that was gold in color for these where the blood god gladiators of AB Gold, they strode through the hall and kicked open the front door. Not stopping to say a single word they broke in to a run, heading straight for the pits, the arena where their blood and the blood of their foes would soon be flowing again. The Behemoth looked over at a group of children who had been hoping to get a glimpse of some of their favorite gladiators, throwing a single gold coin to the largest of the boys he said “Take a message to Lord Crow and to the House of Narol, tell them the Gold Alliance is re-forged, and the time for battle is almost upon us.”