2-hand Rages IMO are doing okay. With the huge presence of speed glads in the blood gods, they have to get their wins off non speed glads. The 2 biggest issues with the speed glads right now are 2 fold. The huge amount of damage they inflict per shot and the compounded critical effects they get per round. I have seen way too many fights in which a 200+ strength power rage get less damage per hit versus a speed glad. The game is truly set up right now for the speed glad.

As for 2-hand wars, well they just flat out suck right now. The only way I see them being some what successful is loading them up with full legendary gear and making them more defensive oriented, and try to outlast their opponents. A true offensive 2-hand war can not be done successfully right now in the blood gods bracket. One major issue I see with them is their lack of damage per hit. They consistently are being out damaged per hit versus even small blade speed glads. They stand absolutely no chance. Then of course power rages are their natural counter build and it is very ugly against them. Also WAY TOO many rounds they do not even attack even with a Activity setting of 10 and with no critical effects.

I am optimistic that Nate will get around to balancing out these issues once he is done with conquests and other to do items. Till then I just plan on getting my power guys ready for when these changes to occur. Enjoy it now speed boys.