Nate, is it possible to remove arena fight tokens as a potential prize in street games for any gladiator that is level 50/in the bloodgods bracket? My logic for this is that it will mean that the best of the best are at the pointy end of the ladder and eliminate the ability to simply dump money to get a higher rating within the top 10, or simply being fortunate enough to have the same glad get a heap of extra fight tokens and leapfrog gladiators that are technically better. that's my 2c anyway.

By extension of this maybe removing them as a possible prize to be awarded to those gladiators from the login loyalty rewards would be good, and likewise for kills. In saying that, the latter are not really abusable, unlike the streetgames.

I'm not sure if this is already the case or not in the streetgames as none of my glads have arena fight tokens as an available prize. CBF refreshing or rolling to see if it is actually the case though.