Well basically my Polearm Warrior Behemoth Rex is doing pretty fine.

Got his weapon skill to 8 and 2 points in grim detemination so i could put some points in death from above it is currently on level 2.

Now here is the thing whenever it procs it either deals less dmg then my normal attacks or just about the same.

Now i am not sure why that is happening.

There basically reasons i can think of.

First it is only level 2 thus the dmg increase is not that big and it only seems like it is worse while it is actually not.

Death from above is simply not good with spears have not tested pole axes and staffs yet.

Death from above does not work well when you Glad is set to lunge which is pretty much the way to go when you have a spear.

I would really like to hear which one it is or maybe something else entirely i have not thought off.