So here is the Deal i am new to the game and i started out as Theatrics.

His stats are the following.

75 Str
72 Int
70 Agi
70 Sta
74 Pre
72 Chi
66 Size

My Plan is the Following.

For Skills i want to take those and there is already some progress as shown.

Exo 5/10

Called Shot 4/10

Gratuitous Violence 0/10

Signature Move 0/10

Crowd Pleaser 0/10

Armour Movement 0/10

Strength of the Crowd 0/10

Overwhelming Presence 0/10

K.o 0/10

Bloody Spectacle 0/10.

Now i would like your opinion about the skill setup

I basically want him to be offensive and but i figured some defense would be good so i choose strength of the crowd instead of hamstring because it boosts def and off.

I want to Run Medium Armor and Falcions as Weapons.

For Strategy i will aim at the head this together with called shot if i understood the mechanic right will give me a good chance of knockouts.

Anyway since i don't know all strategie yet all i can say is that i want him to be rather offensive with a bit of defense would like your opinions and advice.

Especially on strength of the crowd vs hamstring.