Greetings Pit Masters!

I am pleased to announce that the Great Realm has received another update! Please see below for this weeks new additions:

* Blood God Teams! All gladiators in the Blood Gods bracket have been chosen to fight under the banner of a patron Blood God: Kagon-Zul, Drajaka-Zul and Tagro-Zul. Gladiators fighting for the same Blood God will no longer fight each other during the round robin and their cumulative record will go into determining the team's record and rating. The more fights a gladiator has means the more weight their record will have on the team's record. When a new gladiator is promoted from Primus if they already have a stablemate fighting in the Blood Gods bracket they will be assigned the same patron Blood God as their stablemate.

Each week the top team will be awarded with bonus Blood God Points (BGP) and each week the reward doubles. The first week of Season the reward is 25 BGP, the second week it increases to 50 BGP, and then 100 BGP and so on until the final week which awards 3200 bonus BGP for being the top team!

* New stable rankings! The formula on how to calculate stable rankings has been changed and new rankings established.

* The rankings page now tracks the top 10 gladiators of each race in every bracket! Ever wanted to know the baddest mofo Dunder in Primus is? Now you can!

Good luck in the Pit!
