is there another way to get the skull thingies other than paying for them? just started this game and until i find me a new job im broke as shit so i cant afford anything, but i wanna continue playing, im outa everything right now

under armory ive got: Armoury (3/6), i just started today, and it gave me some heavy armor, why am i not allowed to equip it on my fighters?*my first fighter is lvl 6, the other 4* i bought an upgraded stable and new slave as soon as i could as well, she's a beast, 5 and 0, my first gladiator is 6 and 4, the newest armory thingy i bought basically didn't do anything for me and I don't understand why

I had one other question but forgot it, plus while looking on the game for the question I had I just discovered the black market pit fights, so now I wanna try that since it's expense is energy