Well, as I have already chosen theatrics, it doesnt matter ^^
I will need these 2 skills as well as the armour movement really badly
As soon as I find a comparable axe to the mace I now have, I will of course pick it up for the bleeds.
And for the health-value: Thanks, I would be glad if I get enough information, so I can figure it out.
Not that it would matter a lot, there is soooo much randomness in the fights, so its really hard to get plain formulas and stuff to help a lot.
Still, I love theorycrafting in almost every game I play, it makes my brain do something and I enjoy it.
And well, for original slaves 75 size is already a small bit over average, but we can take this. A 137 cm snivler is at least something107 ... I mean, Daem, thats short