Objections, your honor !

1) I have 45 days pre-paid of auto-heal so I don't have the option of using trophies for resurrections as the Temple automatically use gold instead.

2) Slim Tailor is engaged in the Blood Games so I don't have the option to retire him available either before the first of September.

3) I don't have available every day the time necessary to do all the annext activities that can earn my stable more gold (i.e. tavern runs, Jimmy's Pit fights and successful gauntlet attempts) so keeping the gold balance positive will be very tough... Even worse, I'm leaving on Holidays next saturday and probably won't have internet access for 2 full weeks so I will still lose money in seasons and BG fights without the possibility to win it back somewhere else...

Conclusion : I'm in a dead corner with currently no options left and my gold account will probably be empty or close to it when I will be back from holidays... Knowing myself, I will probably be very pissed !!

I spoke.