Do you want to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women? Then follow the link below!
>>Player Guide Compendium<<
Stable: Team Win
Official Team Song: Dethklok - Face Fisted
Gladiators on Note: Ahhnold, Bruce Iee, Duke Nukem, Bruce Willis, Wargh, Kharn
Seems to be mostly related to Crowd Pleaser. The defensive Theatrics seem to block much more attacks than the defensive Wars (provided that the latter don't have that skill), even though they take higher damage when something finally hits them. I've had quite some fights vs. parrying Theatrics and frankly getting through their defense could be a pain for non-Rage who is not focusing on attack power (in general though, parrying Theatrics bleeder takes out defensive War any day). I'm a bit surprised that this observation surfaces so late.
Sadly he isn't performing as well as I wish he would anymore, especially since at most he can get 5 points in "Light As A Feather" which doesn't really help him alot...going full Medium wouldn't work either since in that case idd rather run a HOL Theatric, he's going for Never Say Die now instead...see if it works or not...
He was fortunate enough to start out with 74 size..that did cut it before but it won't anymore the fact that his replacement would have +5-10 in every attribute (exept Intellect since Laharl's starting Int was 85...) and atleast 10-15 more Size makes it very appealing...
The fact that he has like 1k more points than the current #1 in the Hall Of Legends makes it quite appealing aswell...
Last edited by Prinny; 03-20-2013 at 03:06 PM.
This would be a sad day indeed... Penn wasn't my first Glad, but he's been my most successful.
I've had to stop and restart PoW many times due to work and internet availability, but I recall seeing **Laharl** as far back as I can remember my playing.
(As a side note... when you retire ('award freedom') a Glad are you given a replacement? I’m afraid to go near that link on Penn for fear of losing him.)
If it is to award freedom (not selling), the slaves that will be available for purchase will be juiced up HoL slaves. Once you purchase one of them, they are replaced with regular slaves.
Do you want to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women? Then follow the link below!
>>Player Guide Compendium<<
Stable: Team Win
Official Team Song: Dethklok - Face Fisted
Gladiators on Note: Ahhnold, Bruce Iee, Duke Nukem, Bruce Willis, Wargh, Kharn
Interestingly enough that seems to be the exact opposite of whats happening in the blood gods. Bloody Lady is terrorizing rages and theatrics but its the defensive warriors that can just out last her and make her drop from the fights i have been reading. There is a defensive warrior in first place right now matter of general though, parrying Theatrics bleeder takes out defensive War any day
Manager of the Gold Stables: Ab and Ba Gold