I'll be releasing a sort of guide on how you can make user-generated conquests before all the tools are ready. This will allow those of you who have an interest in doing so to be able to start making them now by hand. At first we'll be making stand-alone "dungeon runs" for lack of a better term. This doesn't however mean it needs to take place in a dungeon. It could take place outdoors as well. Conquests are modular with the hopes that we can mix and match "pieces" to also create even more conquests (randomly generated conquests sort to speak) than the ones specifically created by hand. The general idea is you'll be creating "rooms" and those rooms will have a descriptions associated with them and a theme (dungeon, forest, desert, etc). You will then be creating "encounters" and those will have descriptions associated with them pre-battle and post-battle and a theme (undead, humanoid, giant, etc). Eventually we'll have the ability to chain conquests together so you can go off and almost make your own single player experience along side the official single player story mode. First things first though. I'll provide more details soon so you can get started if you have an interest in doing so. For those of you who contributed names and such in the suggestions forum I'll let you decide if you want to use your creations in your own conquests or have me do it before I use them.

Good luck in the Pit!
