One fine day I will tell one of my glads: Bitchslap dat face
One fine day I will tell one of my glads: Bitchslap dat face
Stable: Thors Throne
- Thor Odinson ! Finally retired ! Searching for my next Odin !
- Freya Odrvif! Finally retired ! Searching for my next Friya !
- Odin Allvatir ! The fucking beast amongst gods (Bihander warrior)
- Friya ! Fast & Furious
Taking a break from verking owt to make sure others are verking owt properly
I just love Ahhnold. He is my motivation to go to the gym when I don't feel like doing so.
Stable masters need to verk owt too! So they can lead by example and slap the slackers back in line!
I have returned once more and it seems I'm here to stay.
Ogornomus - master of Iron Aegis
Active Gladiators: Shiroyama, Iron Daimyo, Rom Ironhide, Ludex Grunreer, Decapitare
Retired: Sigwald, Haraxur Dervish, Davlan, Black Degron, Facles Secutor, Quickshank, Sindrel Myr, FacelessSecutor, Iron Enforcer, Blackiron Guard, Lionel Oldblood, Elaar Venguard, AceOfBlades, Crueligan, Cyrus Lupercal
It was pretty awesome to have Arnold visit Australia again for another Arnold Classic. Some of his interviews and messages were hilarious
I like bacon way too much to get a glorious ripped physique like him, but he still inspires me to verk owt too.
Speaking of verking owt, Ahhnold needs to do more. He's been falling behind in the blood games, with a bunch of 2nd place finishes
Time to whip this mush into maascle!
Do you want to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women? Then follow the link below!
>>Player Guide Compendium<<
Stable: Team Win
Official Team Song: Dethklok - Face Fisted
Gladiators on Note: Ahhnold, Bruce Iee, Duke Nukem, Bruce Willis, Wargh, Kharn
Hey ApocGood to see Ahhnold back to his Iron-pumping self. Twas strange to see him in all that pansy gear with the kill rank.
Looks like Ahhnold and Seraph Madigant will be the Bash Bros. again keeping all the tanks at bay!
Adoede | Tevrosin
over 600 kill rank and it didnt seem to improve chances at all over 6 months, especially considering it made it way harder to win.
Back to proper gear as of a week ago.
Do you want to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women? Then follow the link below!
>>Player Guide Compendium<<
Stable: Team Win
Official Team Song: Dethklok - Face Fisted
Gladiators on Note: Ahhnold, Bruce Iee, Duke Nukem, Bruce Willis, Wargh, Kharn
Time for the speed Theatrics to return to Blood Gods says Arkal.