Greetings Pit Masters!

I know everyone is always excited to know what new things are being developed in the Great Realm, and one exciting new feature will be Seasons.

What are Seasons?

That's a great question, I'm glad you asked! To start, I'll just give you a brief overview of what Seasons will be and more fine grained details will come later. Seasons will involve a new bracket above Primus where qualifying gladiators will be promoted to. Once in this new bracket gladiators will compete in 2-3 month long tournaments. A separate record will be kept for each Season (the overall record will still be updated so you can see your gladiators' overall record but it will not be used for the Seasons) and when the next Season starts all Season records will reset and gladiators will start competing again from scratch.

Each fight earns points (winners getting more) and those points can then be used towards buying special Seasonal gear and prizes not available among the Blacksmith's regular wares. The top gladiators in each Season will likewise get additional prizes, titles and achievements.

Good luck in the Pit!
