I agree with your definition of "high and massive" Team kaos.

I've got two rage gladiators, one has 80 Strength (88 w/gear) but his Agility is only 60. The other one only has 60 Strength, but his Agility is 100 w/gear. The one with higher Agility also has higher weapon skill (8) but so far he's doing much much worse in the pits than my Strength Rage Gladiator, which sort of pisses me off. He's got more skill and higher Agility than the other has strength, yet he seems to be losing quite a bit. The Agility gladiator also has better gear than the Strength one.

Anyway again sort of annoyed that's how it seems to work. Apparently I should sell/swap out his gear for Strength and just run him with his naturally high Agility... hmm.