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Thread: Parry Styles

  1. #1
    Aspiring Master Arkham's Avatar
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    Question Parry Styles

    Has anyone had any luck with the parry styles in Theatrical.

    I have a decent warrior, good stats, good gear, a big ol shield, enough defensive skills to get by.

    If I run him offensive, he has a chance. Slash/Lunge and some big numbers in activity.

    If I run him similarly in a parry style or counterstrike (decent numbers in activity), he gets dismembered by any warrior worth his weight in salt. Not to say there isn't an odd win, but just no real luck in that area.

    A warrior with a big weapon will dominate counterstrike, and parry/whatever. A warrior with 2 smaller weapons and passion for aggression will most likely take apart the parry styles and counterstrike as well.

    What am I missing?

  2. #2
    Stable Servant
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    I for one have not had much success with parry-slash or counterstrike when its triggered for me in fights, although I cant seem to make myself give up on them. Id love to find a way for counterstrike to be successful... I think my problem is with the triggers... by the time it triggers im already torn to pieces. The damage is just too high for them to work... the big guys hitting for 200-300 damage in one huge shot... well... you cant miss a single parry or your toast.

  3. #3
    Aspiring Master Arkham's Avatar
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    I've opened with parry-x or counterstrike for about 1/2 my fights. It occasionally works, but it is more or less a fluke. Or I'm paired with a lesser specimen.

    Tank works like a charm. I enjoy using it. Berserker and Kill Shot have their uses also. But I can't find a home for counterstrike and parry-x.

  4. #4
    Elite Master Team Kaos's Avatar
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    Keep in mind the key to what parry is. Defense, don't expect great parry skills with a gladiator not built or dressed for defense.

  5. #5
    Aspiring Master Arkham's Avatar
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    Have you had a successful parry-x warrior? My warriors highest start is agi (which is saying something, he is a decent specimen), geared respectably and toting a fine shield (I swap it out with a tower from time to time to see if it makes a difference.. but the 14 weight has me shy about using it all the time).

    It just seems any other style, focused on offensive, has the advantage. The activity is set high because.. well I rarely pass out from exhaustion.. and defense works better with activity so says the tooltips.

    On the flip, a decent War toon with Tank and a decent strategy very obviously works.

  6. #6
    Elite Master Team Kaos's Avatar
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    I have the top 2 ranked Theatrical fighters overall, and each have used or use a parry style based on certian triggers. Sorry no scouting reports...
    But parry is very useful in the right situation against certian styles and activity's. But if you are not geared for defense that the parry must have, the style becomes a deathwish I have found.

    I will say, once the Total Parry to Tank issue was taken care of, the ParryX became a whole lot more useful. It is also not a very good style for young gladiators as they can barely block or dodge upto at least the Elite level. IMO that is. ...but what do I know, I just do a lot of whining on these boards.

  7. #7
    Aspiring Master
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    The Counter/Parry styles don't match up against a highly offensive style like Rage (he'll just smash through them), and they are all but worthless against a Tank, as well (you can't counter or parry a shot which is never thrown). They do work marginally well against a moderately active fighter, such as an offensive War or Theatrics glad, though. Just do your scouting, and challenge those fighters with styles which are compatable (compatible???). I've had some success using Counter or Parry-x as an opening/standby style, and then switching to various other styles as the triggers are hit.

  8. #8
    Elite Master Team Kaos's Avatar
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    The Counter/Parry styles don't match up against a highly offensive style like Rage (he'll just smash through them),
    Not completely accurate. A well geared Counter Attack can be successful vs a Rage gladiator, unless the Rage is decked out in ultra heavy strength or attack gear, which then just becomes a game of who has the best gear. However he can get through a couple rounds without heavy damage when up vs a non stacked Rage. It just wont work for the duration of the fight because some of the Rage's have massive damage hits with the 2 handed weapons, and only need a couple good whacks to end it. If they are using lighter weapons it can be done.

    Keep in mind, a high activity Rage with high bloodlust will not always get accurate shots or even make decent contact on a fighter with good agility and good defensive skills. Also keep in mind Counter Attack is not truly a defensive style like a parry, I have seen that it can be as offensive as the opponent is.

    A parry on the otherhand will indeed end up getting smashed eventually, usually due to just being overpowered. Although I have seen them doing a little better as the levels increase.

  9. #9
    Aspiring Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by Team Kaos View Post
    A well geared Counter Attack can be successful vs a Rage gladiator, unless the Rage is decked out in ultra heavy strength or attack gear, which then just becomes a game of who has the best gear.
    This is true in theory...however, with the current state of the game, I am encountering an ever-increasing number of opponents who are simply decked out in Attack Power Purple, particularly the Rage and War fighters, and at that point Counterattack simply cannot hold it's own unless, as you alluded to, the defender is also decked out in Defense Purple. And at that point, it is no longer a contest of skill or's a matter of item integrity.

    As for "good defensive skills", there really aren't any available to the Theatrics gladiator with the exception of Iron Jaw....which has proven to be almost as worthless and broken as Finishing Blow in my experience...unless you go outside the Theatrics tree.

    High agility is certainly a benefit, but it is by no means a mitigating factor when using Counter-Attack against a skilled Rage gladiator....particularly if he has pre-purchased his wins in the form of epic level items. The idea behind Counter-Attack, and certainly the way it has been run in my experience, is that you are trying to match your opponent blow-for-blow...which is a fatal decision if your opponent "blows" much harder than you do.

  10. #10
    Elite Master Team Kaos's Avatar
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    This is true in theory...however, with the current state of the game, I am encountering an ever-increasing number of opponents who are simply decked out in Attack Power Purple, particularly the Rage and War fighters, and at that point Counterattack simply cannot hold it's own unless, as you alluded to, the defender is also decked out in Defense Purple
    As would be expected in this game type platform, the gladiator with the big trophy gear will always have the advantage between 2 evenly skilled fighters.

    As for "good defensive skills", there really aren't any available to the Theatrics gladiator with the exception of Iron Jaw....which has proven to be almost as worthless and broken as Finishing Blow in my experience...unless you go outside the Theatrics tree
    Armor gear is the defensive nuetralizer for a theatric fighter. But this is a debate that falls upon my long ago hissy fits that Theatric fighters are outclassed vs the Rage and War gladiators within thier respective skill tree's.
    I will defend Iron Jaw though, it does help tremendously in not getting stunned even when getting rocked by a 300+ Rage blast. But then again it only takes 2 of those to end the fight anyway, stunned or not. And again it falls back on being a defensive wiz, high defense doesn't allow the big shots to land, instead of 200+ blasts, you can tune the hits down well under 100 for the most part while picking the Rage or War fighter apart.

    "High agility is certainly a benefit, but it is by no means a mitigating factor when using Counter-Attack against a skilled Rage gladiator....particularly if he has pre-purchased his wins in the form of epic level items. The idea behind Counter-Attack, and certainly the way it has been run in my experience, is that you are trying to match your opponent blow-for-blow...which is a fatal decision if your opponent "blows" much harder than you do."
    Agility helps out in eluding some of the bigger hits it seems but like you say cannot be counted on soley to best a Raging beast and his mace's or 2 handed weapons.

    In theory I would also believe you go punch for punch with Counter Attack, but I have not seen it exactly that way. I see more of the opponent getting 2, 3 even 4 swings in a row and then you counter with 2,3 or 4 swings of your own. And whoever is in better shape after that flurry tends to get the upper hand. Which brings us back to Iron Jaw, if you can resist being stunned you have a good chance at getting the advantage by stunning your opponent with one of those hits.

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