Just my opinion, but I think that the requirement of a 55% win rate on 1500+ fights will become not possible for any new kid on the block.

If I reach Primus top 75 in say 450 fights, that leaves 1,000+ fights of me vs the top 50. You guys have had time to move stats where you want, get all 10's on everything, etc.

I dont mind that, that is kinda the way it should be - your real time and experience in the game gives you the edge.

The problem is that I dont know if I can make it to 1500 fights and still have 55% win ratio.

I DO NOT WANT TO, but, this makes me pick on the same people that I am pretty sure that I can beat. I think this sucks, but it is what I have to do to try and meet this stat.

I repeat, I do not want to fight the same people whenever I can, but I am being left with no choice - because I will need those special slaves even more in the future. I think it sux.

I suggest a simple requirement of 1,500 fights with a fighter without the 55% requirement. Are there other ways to solve this?
