I get that the game is free to play as is, and if you want to do more you have to have trophies, but if someone has more than 20 minutes to kill it would seem pretty cool if after the first 5 tavern contracts, you could run more tavern contracts all day, with no exp and no gold, but with a tiny percent chance of it dropping a piece of gear. So if I wanted to babysit my pit fighter all day in the background, maybe one in 10 contracts would yield a piece of gray gear. Or one in 20.

Granted, I've never played a free-to-play game before because I'm a regular MMO player (I play EQ2 and I'm in the beta for Rift) so I'm very not used to logging in and not being able to do anything at all until new time is up. Right now, I log in and maintain everything in 20 minutes and then migrate away. This would not keep my interest in comparison to EQ2, but maybe I'm not your target audience.

Just trying to find constructive suggestions, please don't take offense, the game is very pretty and neat.