View Full Version : just a thought on money

02-26-2012, 11:04 AM
I appologise if im repeating what was already mentioned however, going through the posts gave me an idea on how to make and keep money. First, I would say the responsability is on the managers and glads alike. Together, they are a team and if you look after them, they will hopefully look after you. Granted the glads can only be as good as the managers train them to be which brings me to my second point.

For the managers that are about the pure classes, this may not be of much help to you unless you have a theatrics glad. For those who like to cross train and are able to, I think the skill of crowd pleaser would be of great benefit. There are of course many skills that benefit the glad, and I suggest all of them depending on what you are trying to achieve. The point I am trying to make here though is that as far as money goes, crowd pleaser would seem to be a great tactic to incorporate.

And I think my possable last point on this subject would be the bank. This topic, I know was mentioned previously however, I dont recall who originally posted this commment or where I found it. If I understand the original authors point correctly, the way to save your money in the bank would be to convert it into trophies.

Now, this serves two purposes, I believe the main purpose as originally posted was to prevent jimmys boys from taking it for themselves. The employment and continual upgrading of stable guards will also help in that. I do however agree that converting the gold to trophies would be an added security feature that I think would benefit many managers. The second purpose to doing this would be of course to buy upgrades and additional energy for those who are unable to fork over the trophy fees.

Now, the catch to that however, is you can only convert a small amount to trophies per day which is where the implementation and upgrading of guards comes in.