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01-07-2011, 01:50 PM
Okay so this will be my third day playing PoW and I have lost 3 out of 4 battles.
I have a Rage fighter at lv.4

I would like some tips on want I should do to win more.

01-07-2011, 02:17 PM
Can't really help you without more details.

What weapon are you using? What armor? How are you losing? (Shot quick fight? Long drawn out? Are you getting exhausted?), etc, etc.

01-07-2011, 04:01 PM
Weapon: Two battle axes.

Armor: Studded leather and soft hide. Around 3-5 in armour.

How I'm losing: From what I can gather my opponents get a lot more attacks on my fighter then I got on them. I last about 1-2 mins.
And that means I should put some points in Agility, right?

01-07-2011, 04:12 PM
try to play around with your activity and blood lust they have a lot to do with how active you are.

01-07-2011, 04:52 PM
Let's get the obvious out of the way. Be sure your fighting style matches your weapon. Since you are using axes, I recommend using the bash style. Slash may work, but I've found bash to do well with axes. Like Drachir379 said, mess with your activity level and blood lust. Your gladiator is still young so you don't have access to berserk yet which is a mixed blessing. It will give you a lot more attacks but make you pass out if you aren't careful. Also be sure you are training in your weapon. I'd pump it up to 4 or 5 before moving to other skills or even attributes personally.

Team Kaos
01-07-2011, 05:08 PM
The only place your skill points should be going to right now are to the axes and maces skill. Get your weapon level up to at least 4 or 5 before you begin putting points anywhere else.
And if your being outhit and always seem to be hit first before you can get a swing in, as stated above mess around with your activity level and bloodlust. Defense is not a Rage warrior forte so use the tavern bouts as your training ground by adjusting you levels.

It's also possible you have less then desired warrior attributes. If your running a runt or is on the weakside, rage might not be in the cards for your warrior.

01-08-2011, 04:06 AM
My fighting style matches my weapon as I have said I did read some of the threads in the forums.
I read about getting my weapon level up to at least 4 - 5 on my second day, to bad I didn't read that from the start, could have used the points.

I change my activity and blood lust and tested in the tavern and it's seems like my fighter is doing a little better, but I have to wait and see how he does in a real fight.

01-09-2011, 10:42 AM
Question the tiny bar under the health bar is the endurance right?
Because I just lost from exhaustion and that because my activity level was to high?

What does blood lust do, is it how much your gladiator will try to kill the other opponent?

Team Kaos
01-09-2011, 11:01 AM
Question the tiny bar under the health bar is the endurance right?
Because I just lost from exhaustion and that because my activity level was to high?

What does blood lust do, is it how much your gladiator will try to kill the other opponent?

Yes, the bar is the endurance bar.
And Yes..sort of. More then likely you were more active then your opponent, but it is also possible they were using a less endurance burning tactic then you.
If your using lunge/bash/slash and even more so Beserk you will burn out your endurance far faster then an opponent using a parry style and to an extreme of little burn...a total parry...even if the gladiators are set at the same activity level.

And again Yes, blood lust is your gladiator's desire kill his opponent but also contibutes to adding added power to his shots. So a low blood lust and he's just making contact to do some damage, a high blood lust and he's putting all his power into his swings attempting to kill with every shot. Of course that will burn endurance faster then a gladiator holding back some of his strength with a lower blood lust using the same tactic.
I'm not to sure if a low bloodlust has anything to do with affecting his desire to quit while he still has some endurance and health left in order to save himself, and a high bloodlust will allow him to continue until the death of himself or his opponent. I'm still trying to figure that out, but it doesn't seem to apply so far.

01-09-2011, 11:33 AM
If you mouse over the boxes of Blood Lust or Activity level, it has a full description of what it does, read it carefully!

Blood lust -- Higher equals more damage BUT it also decreases your chance to hit and burns MORE Endurance.

IMO blood lust is something that increase as you're gladiator gets more skilled. Higher skill should offset the decrease to hitting and so in effect you gain damage at the cost of endurance.

01-11-2011, 01:47 PM
Okay I think I'm getting the hang of this for the time being, thanks everyone.