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View Full Version : is it worth palying with theatrics

02-19-2012, 12:29 AM
morning to all :)
i am new to this game and i have chosen to play with theatrics. but for what i have read for now it seems that i have made poor choice. btw i have already 2 glads in theatrics, because i thought that it will be a good thing to play around with different stats and strategies. my first one got killed when she was 3rd level, but soon after that she got her first and second kill. and her stats at the moment are 31-15-2 (lvl 9). so i am wondering am i doing any good or no?

can you please tell me if i should sell my glad and bye new one to go for rage or war?

02-19-2012, 04:39 AM
keep going with what you have. seems like you're doing ok :)

keep an eye on the slave market, but only buy something that is extraordinary, rather than for the sake of it. while you're waiting for that magical glad, just learn more about the game with your current guys :)

02-19-2012, 06:22 AM
thanks for the answer :) i am new to the game, but it is so addictive. i am trying to build a strategy, so far not very successful. i am following the advices to train my weapon to lvl 10, but this is very difficult.

for now i have trained the following skills, based on what i have read in the forum: exotic weapon, brute force, feint, create distance, called shot, iron jaw, signature move and gratuitous violence. so my question is: are this skills any good? should i unlearn some of them?

02-19-2012, 06:34 AM
Getting the weapon skill to 10 is difficult, don't burn yourself out if you've got it to 8 or 9 go ahead and put some points in some other skills! Its better then getting frustrated over the skill not going up. Theatrics can be fun due to the large number of strategies you can use with the, they can be fast offensive glads or they can be defensive monsters or anything in between, you never know what your going to fight when you go against a theatrics.

02-19-2012, 06:37 AM
thanks Cynaidh, i have edited my previous post. can you please give me advice about the skills i have chosen? :)

02-19-2012, 01:37 PM
train up brute force and grat. violence. if your signature move is stun, train that up too. create distance is nice too.

i'd hold off further training for iron jaw though.