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View Full Version : Thoughts on latest update

02-18-2012, 02:57 AM
Just figured I'd give some dedicated feedback on the latest update. most of this is copy/pasted from the announcement section, but /whatever.

Major Changes:

Race: I like the diversity this has created. My only concern is that at low and starting levels some of the negative racial modifiers are really painful, specifically the health and endurance reductions. It makes it impossible to use a trug early on for example as you pass out after only a couple swings...

Arena Coins: I like that extra can be stored, but with only a 3hr roll over, it makes arena fights feel like tavern runs and really drops the glamor imo. I would personally like to see them recharge every 6 hours instead, and be able to store up to 12 (3 days worth)

20 tavern runs: I like the extra training points it yields, but I would prefer it set at 10 as currently it feels too much like a grind. If it was changed to 10, you could do all your runs in 1 sitting (with 50 energy) which isn't too time consuming, and also feels like much less of a grind/menial.

50 energy: I like this a lot. lets me do a bunch of tavern runs and a good chunk of pit fights later on. If tavern runs got dropped to 10, I would like energy to remain unchanged because it keeps session time convenient in that you can do tavern runs and log off, but people wanting more still have plenty of energy for the pits.

note: I think buying extra energy should be changed to a complete recharge. makes buying them worth it, especially for 50 energy and you want to dominate the pit

other stuff:

Bastard Swords: I think the fix went the wrong way. It's damage is less than a gladius, even though it's speed is much lower. Personally I would have left them with their big hits and armor penetration (as a big ass sword should) but reduce their swing rate (again, as you'd expect from a huge sword)

2H Rage: still early days after my hiatus, but after glancing at the ladder it seems like they are still having issues. That, or I'm doing something wrong... I need time to do a stat test though, especially because of the racial changes occurring at the same time. (will do at end of month) I still think the changes are a positive step towards making them competitive, but I think that the answer may lie in the weapon itself. Maybe increasing the stat bonus so that it is on par with the bonus yielded by 2 single hand weapons. Upping damage a little to match or at least get closer to the damage output of 2 weapons is an option too. This gets balanced by still having slow-ass initiative and being up poop creek if you miss. This would help 2H War as well, which is only represented by Eruption in the high levels currently.

DW Rage: Did something get done to DW weapons to make them go nuts? or did war/theatrics get a little bit of a debuff? Just curious as DW Rage seems to have taken over the arena. I guess it could be caused by having some races being much more beneficial to that style I guess...

02-18-2012, 04:00 AM
I agree with all you are posting Apoc, exept for bastard swords and 2H lol

I dont get where the Bastard sword reduction came from but it wasn't needed, I changed Laharl from dual wielding Bastard swords to Dual wielding Gladius/Bastard sword just so he could get in some hits again.

If you havent noticed yet, in comparison to damage per round 2 Handers do alot more compared to the other weapons so upping their damage even more would be a ridiculous change which might actually make me reform Laharl to 2H lol

02-18-2012, 04:38 AM
Bastard swords I agree were borderline, but imo the fix was against the wrong thing (damage instead of swing rate which was the culprit if any)

2H weapons theoretically do more, yes; but strategies and gladiator stats make a huge difference. 2H gets 1 hit a round (assuming you even swing) which is a little bleh. Wargh is DW can do 1400 damage consistently in the 1st round. I'm yet to see a 2H do the same thing consistently. even if damage remains the same, a stat boost to compensate for the lack of stat boosts from a 2nd weapon may be good. afaik they currently give the same boost as a 1H weapon.

anyway, weapon balance tweeks are a backseat issue. imo the other stuff is more important for the long term of the game to stop people burning out. However, if I'm the minority and more people prefer the crazy number of tavern runs and want to keep them, leave it as is I guess