View Full Version : Killing more often

02-16-2012, 10:02 PM
I have begun to notice that at least once or twice a day each of my glads gets a kill or two sometimes i go one fight with one get a kill then a fight with the other and get a kill is this just coincidence or am I just doing something right?

02-17-2012, 04:39 AM
It's just a factor of your Presence, the damage you output and a bit of luck. I've also noticed I've been making a lot mroe kills once I upgraded my Gladiators' weapons to purple ones.

02-17-2012, 07:54 AM
They say it has something to do with Presence but with my little experience I think Presence doesn't factor with the abillity to kill more. Maybe a little but hardly noticeable. For example my Theatrics guy has over 90 Presence (including item bonus). But he hardly never kills. My 2H weapon glads and ragers have much much lower Presence but they are beasts. They kill a lot. I think the speed also determines whether you kill or not. I notice that if I have quick fights of a couple of seconds the opponent gets killed more often. Maybe the enforcer is too slow to intervene?

However I do notice that my Theatrics glad never gets killed whilst my others do sometimes so I think high presence factors more in not getting killed yourself than you having a higher chance in killing your opponent.

02-17-2012, 08:02 AM
The stable Oedi gave me is almost totally full of "show boat" Theatrics and they have a habit of dying quite often, Presence aside.

02-17-2012, 04:41 PM
Ya i just got 3 kills with Trepton today bringing his total at lvl 19 to 12 kills feeling pretty stoked right now :D although he did just die and has his stats reduced his base presence is 75 with 5 presence bonus so 80 total at this time he uses Axes&Maces weapons mainly the hammers as they deal destructive damage compared to the maces and flails.