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View Full Version : What is suddenly wrong with my 2H War glad?

02-16-2012, 06:22 AM
Hi All,

Have been playing Pit of War for a couple of months now and I really like it, but right now something happened I really don't understand. I have this War Glad, not very impressive but still better stats than my first one, but he keeps losing. In the beginning he didn't lose but now fight after fight I lose.

When I look at the fight (blow by blow) I notice my gladiator isn't attacking for 4-6 rounds or something. He is 2H so I know he won't deal a great amount of punches per round but still this is ridiculous. And when he attacks he misses most of the time. I have checked and I am not stunned or prone, or knocked out or something like that. The only thing I see is that sometimes he does create distance, is this counted as a turn as well? Because if so that sucks :p Anyway even when he does not do create distance he hardly never attacks.

Also I noticed that if I bring activity to level 10 and bloodlust to level 10 there is no change in this. It doesn't matter if I put it on 1,2,3 etc. it still doesn't do anything. Also I am not tanking or defending or whatever just bashing. Changing activity level and bloodlust also doesn't decrease my endurance faster by the way. Just around 1 or 2 per enemies or mine activity.

Can someone tell me what is going on here and what I am doing wrong? Oh yeah Weapon level is 8 so this shouldn't be the problem either I think. To me it looks like the character is bugged or something since my other 2H War gladiator has no problems at all whilst his attributes and skills are worse than the one having problems. Oh and he also loses quite a lot of Tavern quests in my opinion.

Only thing I can think of is his agility since this is quite low (59) but in the beginning there were no problems so I don't think this is the cause. Please help.



02-16-2012, 07:14 AM
I'm either getting déjà vu or you've posted this same thread before...

It could come down to how many attacks your opponents are getting in some of the fights since a fast opponent can cause you to have no attacks for an entire fight just by hitting you too many times... Had it happen a few times on my Polearms glads. Other than that it does seem weird for you to not attack at all, agility shouldn't effect you -that- much.

I would suggest setting your activity and bloodlust a lot lower and run the glad like normal, being WS 8 you should be running somewhere around 5-ish activity and 3-ish bloodlust assuming it's an offensive glad.

02-17-2012, 06:42 AM
Trying different setups but still losing a lot even from tavern quests. Really not sure what happened :S

No deja vu by the way :P I posted it in the wrong place before so indeed it is a repost :)

02-17-2012, 07:00 AM
Not too sure what might be wrong but I'm sure if you get the chance to chat with one of the more experienced stable masters they would be able to work it out.

Try PMing one who seems approachable... I know they are intimidating but trust me, they are all fluffy bunnies. ;)