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View Full Version : Good for where my gladiator is at?

02-14-2012, 02:29 PM
My Theatrics Gladiator has 7 kills right now she is 83-53-7 in the Elite bracket ranked at 38 is this gladiator doing well for where she is at this time?

02-14-2012, 02:37 PM
I'd say yes, nothing wrong with a 60% win ratio. Taking a quick look at your glad I like what you've done with the weapon skill that will pay off in the long run, just a suggestion but i'd start picking up some brute force and create distance in the not to near future, they are very handy for theatrics to pick up.

A level 17 green weapon might be better then your current off hand item also, might be worth checking, I'd swap out the main hand also since its 6 levels old. And man do you know your guy has a HUGE hole in his forehead? Might want to pay to have that fixed. :)

02-14-2012, 02:40 PM
Lol yes i do know he has a hole in his forehead but im too stingy to get that fixed as for the weapon i just bought weapon for my higher level glad not realizing he is a level away and im not really into losing 2600 gold to sell it and buy a new one...... and i love my current off-hand lol i got 280 damage with it just today weapons are kinda awkward for me i have 45k gold but no vault spaces so im very cautious about buying weapons because i dont know whether or not they will work well im sure when i get another 30 trophies ill upgrade vault and play around with that some more :D thank you for your assistance Cynaidh.