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View Full Version : Team based Fighting

02-13-2012, 12:16 PM
I know everyone hates running into their own teams glads in the blood games, so what if we had a team based tournament.

Same basic principle as the blood games except it would be team based. Top 100 teams would be invited, each team would put forward 3 gladiators to fight (add some strategy to it you could change up which 3 each day, and this lets teams with only 3 glads fully compete). You would be matched up against against another team based on level, so if team 1 has a level 50, 45, and a 30 and team 2 has a 47, 40, 41 then the match ups would be 50 vs 47, 45 vs 40, and 30 vs 41. If all glads are the same level (say 3 level 50's on each side) then it would be random. Scoring would be the same as blood games, the 3 fights for your team just get totaled each night for a team score.

Seems like it would be fun and would promote having full stables rather then a bunch of 1 glad stables.

02-13-2012, 04:22 PM
That indeed sounds like a good suggestion. What about more tournies inviting Top20 Stables in each Ranking (Popular, Well-Knowns etc.)

02-13-2012, 05:04 PM
I love the idea of having some kind of tournament for lower rankings to make it more exciting and competitive on the journey to lvl 50 and the blood games.

02-13-2012, 06:44 PM
I think once more people get involved in the game we could do something similar to wow. 2v2, 3v3, 5v5.

I might be neat to have some lower level tournaments, but if they do introduce that I hope the prizes are very small (greens and blues maybe) and the format isn't as cool as the Blood Games, because after all getting an invite to the Blood Games is the carrot to strive for. You want to get to the top so you can be eligible to participate with the best of the best. If they were to just copy the format lower down it would steal a lot of the thunder from the BG I think.

02-13-2012, 06:49 PM
Perhaps a tournament that's run weekly and is based on your glads lvls? Like a lvl <10/<20/<30 ect.