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View Full Version : Lower Level gladiator vs higher level

02-08-2012, 09:21 PM
I am new to the forum and relatively new to the game and was not sure where to post this.

One of my characters is at level 14 and has just fought a level 20 (and was killed). Both gladiators are in the elite class. Is this normal for lower level gladiators to fight higher level ones in the arena or is someone losing just to boost up their level in order to kill the opponent and earn trophies? This is the second time I have had a fight like this.

02-08-2012, 11:58 PM
First of all, welcome to the forums. For your question, that's normal. A lot more goes into how good a gladiator is besides his or her level. Chances are that level 20 gladiator isn't all that great or your level 14 gladiator is doing much better than normal. Matchups are based off of your ranking points and your ranking points are based off of how good you do in the arena.

02-09-2012, 02:45 AM
Fighting higher level warrior is a challenge, but it means your gladiator has progressed faster than them in the ranking so he's probably better...

I often beat higher level gladiators and I am more worried when my warriors meet lower levels gladiators who beat them, as it means I'm doing something "wrong" somewhere !

Study your defeats and find out what went wrong, it's usually a way to find what skills your guys need to train for scoring a win next time against the same opponent...