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02-01-2012, 11:13 AM
hi there! again me :P i was thinking, maybe you could do some events like "paint your gladiator" or "tell a story" stuff in the forum, and the 3 first places could win something, or having some GM in-game doing tavern events like once per week u know, it really makes it smooth to have a GM playing with the ppl :cool:

02-13-2012, 09:39 PM
I really like that idea. it would be cool to be able to write your gladiator "story", other players could then access this any time by clicking on your gladiator (similar to how you can "scout" an opponents gladiator"

however the GM in game tavern would be abit of a long shot, seeing as there is only really 2 people running the game im not sure they would have enough time on their hands to organize and supervise such things.