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View Full Version : 1st place amature, crap attributes

01-30-2012, 01:35 PM
My level 5 Rage Odinn, just got a 1st place amateur ranking. Not sure if that is something to get to excited about but the strange thing is he has really mediocre attributes.

Str. 65, Intel. 56, Agi. 65, Sta. 62, size 64, Pres. 61, chi 65

Are attributes perhaps not that important? His only skill is level 4 2H. No great equip, just a green flail i won in arena challenge. He is my starting glad and was going to sell him but will now wait till he starts losing. Don't think he will do well for long as it is getting harder to level him due to his low intel.

01-30-2012, 03:05 PM
Gladiators with crappy attributes can do well on the lower brackets, but are not worth keeping on the long run...

You can use him to experiment with strategies and skills while you learn the ropes. I made the mistake to keep my first gladiator too long because I was sentimentally attached to him, I had fun running him (at the end he was in Legend category with a 70% W/L ratio) but at some point they get outclassed and all the gear/training is a lost investment you could have better use on a younger glad with top-class potential.

As soon you can afford, it's then best to drop him for another warrior with key attributes over 75...

Don't hesitate to spend trophees to get new batches of slaves until you find a very good one you like, you can wait quite long before getting one with a real potential so trophees can speed it up.

01-30-2012, 06:14 PM
Yes i've been wanting to get rid of him for awhile but as a new player its tough to let go of a glad that has been winning most all his matches. I know you are right, so perhaps its time to say bye to my first work-horse. Thanks for the helpful advice.

01-31-2012, 05:13 AM
Thunder Lips is my very first gladiator with "crappy attributes" and she's been at the top for quite some time. Her win/loss record isn't as good as others but she holds her own with all the other cherry picked glads, so don't always be so quick to dump your first gladiator if you are attached to him or her, just get another gladiator. The other managers aren't wrong though, you can certainly get a better gladiator than your starting one pretty easily, so if you are looking for the next champ maybe that is the way to go! ;)

01-31-2012, 08:09 AM
I agree with everyone else only thing i'd like to add is that you just don't want to get into the cycle of constantly replacing your guys, it takes awhile to get to 50 and to train up to having 100 skill points, and training all stats 10 times each, at some point you got to pick a guy and just hang on for the ride. The only stat you cant increase with gear is size, everything else you can get to insane levels with level 50 gear.