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View Full Version : Rage on Rage, oh ya baby

01-23-2012, 12:38 PM
Ok i'd really like some help figuring this out, going to stop hijacking Oedi's thread and make a new thread here for this:

Wargh running Zerk - 8 - 7
Belgarad running Zerk 10 - 6

Wargh weapons: Bastard Sword 1.15 speed weight 4.5, off hand short sword 2.25 speed 3 weight
Belgarad weapons: Club 1.5 speed weight 4, off hand Hand Axe 1.45 speed weight 1.33

Wargh agil: 126
Belgarad agil: 125

Wargh str: 108
Belgarad str: 110

Both have weapon skill at 10

Wargh Armor movement: 5
Belgarad armor movement: 9 <---- seems like this should be the difference maker

6 fights, Wargh gets first attack in every fight with the bastard sword. Can anyone explain how?

The only two theories i have are:
1. your initiative is based on the average speed of your two weapons (so your short sword is making your bastard sword faster then the club),
2. bastard swords are totally broken

01-23-2012, 11:44 PM
3: that extra point in agility :P

01-24-2012, 03:32 AM
4: level differnce
5: equipment weight and encumbrance

01-24-2012, 05:06 AM
Had this one mentioned to me also:

6. Weapon length

01-24-2012, 06:48 AM
well 5 more wins for Wargh :)

But I feel I am learning at least!

7. Bloodlust. Bloodlust is a factor I am beginning to believe, by dropping it to 3 Belgarad got the jump on wargh, by putting it at 10 Wargh got 3 attacks off in a row before Belgarad attacked.

I am out of things to test now, if anyone has anything thing they would like for me to try just let me know, its a cool test since the two glads are so similar in stats.

01-24-2012, 12:41 PM
wargh is lvl 42 and has 8% encumbrance if that helps