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01-15-2012, 02:20 PM
Some gladiators retire when they become to old to continue fighting at a high level. some managers retire and leave great gladiators shadows of their former selves. I'd like a thread for some of those former gladiators now turned spectators. I'll try and keep this thread updated. the gladiators need to have fought at the higher levels of the game top 40 atleast.

War ~

Bloodbath Ii (Warmonger)
Anger Rising (Team Kaos)
Spiritual Pain (Team Kaos)

Theatrics ~

Solstice (Team Kaos)
Power Slave (Team Kaos)
Moon Child (Team Kaos)
Cyclone (Crow)
Azure (CaineDeSoulis)

Rage ~

01-15-2012, 05:44 PM
I like this Idea :)

though that means that meatbags inc wont be included, when those guys were the flagship rage for the 1st 3 months of the game... that or I just remember them because they were an all rage stable like me haha

01-15-2012, 08:50 PM
I would like to remember:

First off. Bloodbath II. The original great polearm war. Awesome glad....He was retired today by his manager and put out to Stud...Enjoy retirement.

Also Team Kaos: It is looking more and more like they will go permantely inactive. Solstice..was an awesome champ..for you new guys he was the top glad for at least 6 months. Also have to mention....Moon Child..Power Slave..Anger Rising...And from his other stable Spiritual Pain was a beast..

Also Team- The meatbags.. great rage team from when the game first got off the ground. They went inactive in the late spring...but they were all beasts.

01-19-2012, 03:59 AM
I remember the Meatbags too. Came out of nowhere, kicked all sorts of butt then just disappeared one day without a word.

01-19-2012, 12:45 PM
yeah, it was weird that they disappeared without a word. whoever ran the stable never signed up to the forums.

those glads will still be mugging randoms in the black market though :)

01-21-2012, 07:36 PM
After almost a month of thought and careful review of stats and his record of late...I have come to the conclusion that this will be Cypress's last month as a gladiator. Considering I bought him my first day opening this stable. I consider him an original gladiator. He has been a great test glad, for skills and what they do during combat. Also has been great at testing fight strategy. His low starting skills has finally caught up to him. And since he has quite a bit grey hair now and is surely getting very long in the tooth...he will not be in the next blood games as a competitor but as my Doctore for my stable. Plus since the temple priests know him on a first name basis, when he gets to pick up on the boys after a BAD loss. He can chit chat with the priests while the glad comes back to his senses.

01-22-2012, 07:04 PM
I think CaineDeSoulis may be joining cypress at the end of this month in retirement. I'll wait until the end of month update to see if a 2h rage can be effective before selling him but most likely this will be caines last blood games.