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View Full Version : Black Market already won?

01-14-2012, 04:37 PM
I've been a stable master for a while now and it seems that there has been a recurring issue for me. Whenever I go to the black market to fight my top slave the match is already over. With first, second, and third already claimed i feel there is no reason to spend my gold. Six months ago this would not have been an issue but the sands are becoming crowded and it seems bloodier than ever. Surely Jimmy has made note of the number of stables not even attempting to fight in the market due to their being a zero possibility of any kind of major payout. Maybe if he were to host two to three all with individual formats then we could truly put our slaves to the test, as they not only battle for pride and life, but for the glory of our stables.

01-14-2012, 06:43 PM
Er, you realize the rankings change right? Just because someone is in first doesn't mean you can't displace him. The black market resets at the beginning of each day but until then you can fight up until the fight cap (if there is one that day).

01-15-2012, 10:51 AM
Indeed i am aware of this. Maybe my point wasn't made clear. Though the rankings change and the black market is reset daily i don't enjoy fighting my glads and spending my gold to max my points in the market, just to see five other people do the same thing, watch it come down to a coin flip and not gain a thing because i can't win a flip... do you see what i'm saying? Maybe if we thinned out the competition then we could all win.