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View Full Version : buying/selling gladiator

01-03-2012, 01:33 AM
i was wondering if i should buy a new gladiator with stats of Strength 69 Intellect 73 Agility 67 Stamina 76 Size 72 Presence 67 Chi 66 for 965 gold but id have to sell my lvl 7 with a record of 8-13-0 and stats of Strength 63, Intellect 73, Agility 85, Stamina 62,Size 72, Presence 69, Chi 66 and if i did what weapons should i use for the new one?

thanks for the help

01-03-2012, 01:59 AM
They both sound kinda equal, it would depend on what class you have picked for the lvl 7... I would have chosen Rage with DW on the first and possibly on the second too but the seconds strength is a bit of a letdown. If you chose to buy the second then Rage would be my choice but thats personal preference.

01-03-2012, 06:23 AM
1st glad i'll go for rage 2h weapon

2nd glad i'll go for swords theratics.

Question now is why not wait for a glad with 2 80's or near stats?
That way your equips are more focused instead of an all rounder.
Maybe glads in 980gold range with good stats.

Check out my thread at newbie section for various stats glads i've posted. Some i've bought some i've sold while some i've passed.

Currently i'm trying out a small glad at 60 size but good all rounder stats with some 80 range stats as his basic. Currently i build him as a hybrid skill tree with equips boosting most impt stats to 90 range for various skills.

01-03-2012, 08:10 PM
the lvl 7 is a war glad and i think ill get the second one for theatrics so i can get some money for stable upgrades while i wait for one with stats of 80
thanks again for the help

02-01-2012, 10:15 AM
Does the level of your Barracks affect the quality of the slaves available to buy. It seems that all the slaves available were under 900gold but when I upgraded my barracks one level I began seeing slaves that were 900+ Does ones barracks need to be fully upgraded to have access to the top slaves. I have never seen slaves selling over 1000 which I saw someone post was the cost of one of their best slaves.

02-01-2012, 10:40 AM
As far as I know, there is no connection between the level of the barracks and the quality of slaves.

Slaves worth more than 1000 are rare, be patient and don't be afraid to spend trophies to get more batches of slaves if you look for champion material rather than just to have fun...

Keaghan, 85 agility is nice and I wouldn't drop your level 7 for the new one that has nothing over 76... Give him 2 bastard swords with an offensive strat, and train the weapon skill in priority and you can have a winner. His strenght and stamina are low but you can buy gear to fix that. If he hits everytime and often makes criticals before the opponent can even move, he won't need stamina anyway as his fights will be short !

02-01-2012, 02:15 PM
Does the level of your Barracks affect the quality of the slaves available to buy. It seems that all the slaves available were under 900gold but when I upgraded my barracks one level I began seeing slaves that were 900+ Does ones barracks need to be fully upgraded to have access to the top slaves. I have never seen slaves selling over 1000 which I saw someone post was the cost of one of their best slaves.

The answer to this is no. It all depends on the roll and what the game gives your slave trader. You might see weeks of absolute worthless slaves that barely qualify for the mines. Then bam you have a god before you. So either be patient, or roll the dice and spend a few trophies a day and see if you can get lucky. Good Luck.

02-19-2012, 10:51 PM
The answer to this is no. It all depends on the roll and what the game gives your slave trader. You might see weeks of absolute worthless slaves that barely qualify for the mines. Then bam you have a god before you. So either be patient, or roll the dice and spend a few trophies a day and see if you can get lucky. Good Luck.

I never understood what was meant by roll. or how it factors in with my glads abilities

02-20-2012, 12:58 AM
The whole game is based on a RNG (Random Number Generator), the best way to explain this would be when you try to train a skill and you get a random number between 0-100 that is the RNG doing it's work. Same goes for in the fights with attack damage, chance to hit/miss ect.

02-21-2012, 05:07 PM
ahh, ok. so out of curiosity, what would be the best way to deal the most amount of damage per hit?

02-21-2012, 05:51 PM
in what sense? if you want sheer damage per hit, 2H rage w/ stacking skills cannot be beaten, but dont expect to win much as they hardly swing

02-25-2012, 12:19 PM
yeah, im thinking per hit. because im seeing two sets of numbers and im not sure which to go by, theres im guessing the amount dealt per hit and then theres the amount dealt per round

02-26-2012, 09:56 PM
well per hit, 2H rage cannot be beaten, but they are not a competitive build atm. DW styles are the more reliable option. if you want crazy, reliable damage output, DW rage is what you want.

02-27-2012, 06:48 AM
awsome, im golden than :D