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12-07-2011, 01:20 PM
I think this game needs some new creators....

12-07-2011, 05:33 PM
any reason why you think that?

12-07-2011, 06:14 PM
Well, I've been monitoring this game for quite some time. Like I said before "i've been playing this game for longer than you think". Monitoring problems that occur throughout game play. I've experienced an amount of pardon me, bullshit that should have been pre-configured before allowing others to play. I shouldn't have to say more, there for possible ideas have popped into your head already of who I am and what I plan on doing, but just for a heads up, this game is a trend and I being involved in a similar situation do not plan on having the same problems as this pathetic game. As well for the record, Eric.......your ban hammer is the most feeble throughout the land. Enjoy your experience.

12-07-2011, 07:11 PM
Well, I've been monitoring this game for quite some time. Like I said before "i've been playing this game for longer than you think". Monitoring problems that occur throughout game play. I've experienced an amount of pardon me, bullshit that should have been pre-configured before allowing others to play. I shouldn't have to say more, there for possible ideas have popped into your head already of who I am and what I plan on doing, but just for a heads up, this game is a trend and I being involved in a similar situation do not plan on having the same problems as this pathetic game. As well for the record, Eric.......your ban hammer is the most feeble throughout the land. Enjoy your experience.

You know what the best part of watching someone piss on an electric fence is? Hearing them fizzle away to dust!

Goodbye Masterfist, Burning Kachina, and Laceration.

12-07-2011, 07:38 PM
I was enjoying the rant until.... "bullshit that should have been pre-configured"

I am totally stumped, how in the hell do you pre-configure bullshit? Do you organize it in neat piles, perhaps sorted by color? Totally lost me on this one.... I guess my bullshit isnt pre-configured either, anyone out there have their's pre-configured?

12-07-2011, 08:32 PM
I read a rant, but I see no specific examples of "bullshit", just sounds like a frustrated manager who's glads just got there ass handed to them again.

As for his trends in the game, I have seen ALL of them since I have been playing since this game was released. These trends have occurred mainly because of everyone getting to certain phase in their gladiators build and certain types of glads were dominant at the time. We learned and moved to a different trend.

As for any bugs you might be mentioning, Nate and now Eric have been all over them as soon as they are notified about them.

If you have any ideas how to make the game better try explaining it in an orderly manner either via Private message to Nate and Eric or Forums however you feel comfortable.

As for pre-configured....you tell me how a randomly placed fight can be pre-configured along with the results and I would love to read it...considering I have faced many opponents 100's of times all with different outcomes and different ways those outcomes were achieved, especially considering we set our own fight strategies.

I would have to say my only gripe I ever have (well I have 2, I don't care for the protection money vs confiscated money payout-10% of your current gold vs 100 gold--Alpha team lost 55k in the last 2 days!!) with Nate and Eric is give us status updates on future expansions and updates to the game more often. You guys go dark for long periods of time..we love to know what is on the stove cooking....

12-16-2011, 11:39 AM
Yeah I see no specific complaints here. Just your typical trolling.

I have my own issues with the game at times. Currently the primary one being that gold has gone from being over easy to get to being ridiculously hard to maintain (I currently have about 40,000 gold in repairs due on my guys and literally 2 gold left at the moment) without spending trophies (i.e. real money). This will likely cause me to have to discard 1-2 of my older warriors on Deep Hurting for younger cheaper to maintain guys in the near future. However, that said, the devs have shown they are willing to change to game to re-balance things in the past when it is needed, and I see no signs that it won't continue to happen in the future.

If it's a "Wah, you need to pay to compete!" complaint, you will not find much sympathy here. My 2nd team, Bankrupt has never had a single cent of real money spent on them. It's true they are not at the top levels of the game as individuals (Though the team record is right up there), because they cannot afford the best equipment or stat and skill trains. But through careful resource management and there being a level cap they will be someday. It's just a slower pace. A much slower pace admittedly, but still a lot of fun traveling that course.