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12-02-2011, 08:09 AM
my glad did not receive a prize for yesterdays fight, he is Captain America. Help me out here nate! :) BIG SMILE

12-02-2011, 02:51 PM
Hi Masterfist,

Database indicates Captain America already picked up his reward. How did you go about picking up your reward?

12-02-2011, 03:15 PM
Well I clicked on the red cross in the pit fighting lobby to claim my reward, but before I clicked to claim the prize, i realized I already have an item in my special equipment room(I only have one slot), I sold the item in my s.e.r, then I went back to claim the prize and it is like I couldn't. It happened exactly in this order.

12-02-2011, 03:28 PM
Anytime a gladiator finds or is awarded an item and their vault is full the following options are available on the same screen as the item:

1) sell the found/awarded item
2) sell an item in their vault to make room for the new item
3) buy an extra vault slot to make room or the item

In your case I'm guessing you left the screen where you claim the prize to sell an item from your vault and since your vault was full and you choose not to sell it or make room for it, it is assumed you did not want it. I'll reset the database so you can collect your prize again. In the future remember if you leave the screen without taking any action the prize will be gone. This is also true in the tavern or arena challenge.

Good luck in the pit!


12-02-2011, 06:15 PM
laughing, yeah my bad...Ill keep my mind on check