View Full Version : Stats of your first slave

11-01-2011, 12:42 PM

I have just started the game and browsed the forum for information about the stats of the slaves you should buy. From what I read, I should only keep slaves with stats greater than 70 (80 for the size). Unfortunately, I used all my trophy points (10 when you start), and created numerous account (more than 20 now). That means I got at more than 3*20*11=660 batches of slaves, but all of them did not even have any stat higher than 65...
Would you have any tips please ? Thank you in advance.

Best regards

11-01-2011, 12:48 PM
Please don't create 20 accounts, if you would like to see more slaves visit the bank and get yourself some trophies or wait 24 hours and you'll see a new batch of slaves. 20 accounts is what would fall under the category of "abuse of the system".

Good luck in the pit!


11-01-2011, 01:21 PM
Alright, I understand. I guess I must be quite unlucky...
Would there be a way to delete your account ? I did not see any option to do so.

11-01-2011, 01:23 PM
Just take 1 or 2 of thsoe accounts and play with those idd say xD
Btw getting all 70's or higher and Size 80 would be a pretty hard glad to find.

Your first glad always has bad stats the rest is completely up to luck.

11-01-2011, 01:38 PM
Let me shine some perspective on all this "sell your first gladiator" nonsense and cycle like made to find a great slave. Thunder Lips is my first gladiator and for the vast majority of the game was the #1 rage gladiator. The old guy has had some trouble as of late but I honestly attribute that to Rage gladiators being a bit behind the 8 ball right now in terms of balance in the late game. Just about any slave you get from the slave market can be turned into a competitive gladiator with the right build, gear and strategies if you know what you are doing. Conversely you could be handed the best gladiator ever and if you don't set him up right he'll perform poorly. If you are new to the game which is sounds like you are, don't worry about your guys stats so much, go and learn how to play first and then when you are ready, upgrade your barracks and get another gladiator. At that point you'll know a lot more and you'll be able to consolidate what everyone here on the boards says and mix it with your own opinion and make intelligent decisions at that point. In case you haven't noticed there really isn't a consensus on much here on the boards save but a few topics.

11-15-2011, 11:54 PM

I have just started the game and browsed the forum for information about the stats of the slaves you should buy. From what I read, I should only keep slaves with stats greater than 70 (80 for the size).

Best regards

MMM, what i did was to create 10 or more accounts. And i played all of them like 1month. Depending on the situation and how the random chance and opportunity plays out, i narrow down to 3 accts.

11-15-2011, 11:59 PM
MMM, what i did was to create 10 or more accounts. And i played all of them like 1month. Depending on the situation and how the random chance and opportunity plays out, i narrow down to 3 accts.

That is very much frowned upon and not how one should go about doing things. Before starting a second account you first need to have already upgraded your current account's barracks to allow 5 gladiators and at that point if you wish to play more gladiators you may create a second account. Players found to be in violation of this risk having their additional accounts deactivated.

Thanks for your cooperation,


11-16-2011, 02:18 PM
Players found to be in violation of this risk having their additional accounts deactivated.

Thanks for your cooperation,


More than one account should NOT be allowed, I play other games like this, and the rules always state one account per player.

Haveing multible accounts is useing underhanded tactics, and cheating as you can fight your other accounts, and deside who will win making one or more multi accounts stronger than normal.

All players should have ONE account only this would make it a fair game, and others could not use the "system" to their advantage.

11-16-2011, 05:41 PM
MMM, Look i understand where you're coming from. But i did buy in-game credits to get those glad and equips.

Always trying out new stuff and chatting with the pros on updated news and reading forum to catch up on the latest.

I'm a supporter of the game and love new updates from Nate too. Anyway thanks for the tip.

11-16-2011, 06:50 PM
Not sure why some believe the myth that having multiple accounts greatly increases their chances of doing well. I've heard all the arguments about throwing fights and such and it simply isn't true. Challenges aren't 100% and just playing the game and getting good at it is easier than trying to manipulate fight outcomes. Personally I think where Nate is coming from is he simply doesn't want a bunch of zombie accounts laying around or players running multiple gladiators without having contributed to the game via upgrading their barracks.