View Full Version : About parry and armours

11-01-2011, 06:40 AM
First of all, the parry. When i use parrys, i really never felt the difference. I wild keep the same strategy that my gladiators can do the most damage and miss the least, and i only change from offensive(slash,lunge,bash) to parry(parry-lunge,slash,bash). But i really couldnt feel the difference, is there something im doing wrongly?

And secondly, armors. When i use armors, im confused whether its all the same as long as the armor weights are kept within the green bar, or its lighter the better. Also, if its lighter the better, tell me in which ways it is better. Thank you

11-01-2011, 06:49 AM
Using parry does make you go more on the defensive but most gladiators have Brute Force which is used to counter defensive strategies.

Your attack speed remains the same wether your (for my example) War carries heavy armour or light
I don't know exactly about the use of endurance though.

11-01-2011, 07:01 AM
re armor:
as far as I know, the lighter the better as you will not burn endurance as fast.
being green indicates that you are not encumbered while yellow indicates some encumberment and red is, well, bad :P

in saying this, armor weight isnt too important at higher levels because you usually dont tire out. if you have a war or theatrics, just throw on some beefy armor that has the stat bonuses you want (wars really should not bother with anything but heavy armor) imo dont worry about armor value with rage as it's going to be paper no matter what, and less armor usually means more stats for skull smashing :D

11-01-2011, 07:01 AM
So are you suggesting that parry isnt that great? actually thats what i think too... although tank is very good. OH congratulations on winning blood games btw

11-01-2011, 07:03 AM
oh thank you. Thats a great help XD cuz i always made sure for my war glads to be still on green XP

11-01-2011, 07:05 AM
But wat does endurance do though?

11-01-2011, 11:19 AM
re armor:
less armor usually means more stats for skull smashing :D

Nope the heavy armor Laharl and my other wars carry give better stats than the lower ones ive seen for them(I do usually take my sweet time looking for new equipment)

Every points of stamina gives you 1 endurance also achievements exist to give your glad more endurance

Endurance is what is used for your gladiator to move around and do his attacks.
Low endurance means a gladiator can fight less long in a battle

11-01-2011, 01:41 PM
Parry-slash/bash/lunge are fantastic fighting styles if you know how to use them. Don't toss them aside so easily.

11-01-2011, 08:56 PM
Nope the heavy armor Laharl and my other wars carry give better stats than the lower ones ive seen for them(I do usually take my sweet time looking for new equipment)

i meant that as a general rule of thumb for an item of a set level and type, which is quite noticeable in light armor at least. there are always exceptions though :)

11-02-2011, 04:33 AM
Parry-slash/bash/lunge are fantastic fighting styles if you know how to use them. Don't toss them aside so easily.

but i never figured them out till now XP