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10-23-2011, 04:27 PM
Were these worth buying? What would you have made them?? Why???

#1) 71-74-68-71-70-71-69, Theatrics

#2) 75-75-65-70-82-56-80, Rage

#3) 79-65-81-84-71-75-59, War

#4) 66-64-75-70-84-72-61, War

One last question, how should I have been developing them?

10-23-2011, 06:20 PM
I'll take a stab at it (although i am just as new as you)

1 - I dont think i would have picked this guy up
2 - I think this guy is an ok rage, size and chi at 80, str you can get from gear, agil is kinda low so would have went for two handed weapon on it
3 - Int is low on this guy for War (alot of their skills take int to raise) but with that agil, stam, and pres i would have went defensive Theatrics with him
4 - Again not really feeling this one, i'd replace him when something better pops up

10-23-2011, 07:54 PM
the only gladiator i really like is #2. that said, the others can make for some good test mules until you find glads with more desirable stats.

#2 is a 2H rage for sure. agility is too low for DW. if you want some advise on how to train him up, i've got a guide in the rage forum :)

#1 has really low agility and will make a poor theatrics gladiator. i'd replace him first.
#3 was better suited for a theatric gladiator, but you could persevere and a war that uses bladed weapons
#4 as above.

10-24-2011, 12:44 PM
# 1 is a good theatrics gladiator, dont belive all these people telling you that you cant run a successful theatrics with low agility. I currently run 5 theatrics with lower agility than your example, Narvalo being 1 of them.
# 2 looks like a good rage
# 3 is what im looking for, when im creating new theatrics. I actually dont have anyone with so high numbers in all the important stats. I almost started crying when i saw you made him into a war. With important stats i mean, in priority, stamina, agility, size, strenght, presence, int, chi(if you want to make a orm/narvalo styled theatrics put chi in front of size).
# 4 this could also been a good theatrics
if you want to check out how i make my theatrics look here http://forum.pitofwar.com/showthread.php?332-How-i-build-my-theatrics

10-24-2011, 05:39 PM
# 1 is a good theatrics gladiator, dont belive all these people telling you that you cant run a successful theatrics with low agility. I currently run 5 theatrics with lower agility than your example, Narvalo being 1 of them.

my bad. my knowledge on theatrics is limited to the classical variation

10-25-2011, 12:22 AM
63 - 67 - 68 - 70 - 70 - 68 - 73

What would you make it? :P

Sell or not? :D

10-25-2011, 03:09 AM
Careful with Oedi's suggestion, he thinks every glad should be a Theatrics LOL!!. I think he would even try to make the whore that his glads bang a theatrics as long as her stamina is high enough!! :)