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View Full Version : Defeated by a naked man, so humiliating!

12-26-2010, 02:49 AM
So, I fought "Persian". He was completely naked, except for a cruddy hammer doing 28.5 dpr. I was equipped fairly well, with 55 dpr and proper settings for my weapon, yet defeated handily. Not necessarily a hack, but probably an unintended exploit of math involving ultra low encumbrance.

12-26-2010, 03:30 AM
These kinds of issues are particularly difficult to determine if there really is a problem or not. There are many reasons why this could happen legitimately ranging from differences in attributes to strategies to skill choices to lucky/unlucky dice rolls, weapon differences, specialty matchup, etc. So many factors go into your gladiator that changing your activity level by a point or using a different fighting style could completely alter the outcome of the fight based on who you are fighting and how his strategies are setup. In looking at that particular fight one more good hit from Tostern Meatbag could have turned the tide with a crit or if you hadn't gotten the serious injury the latter hits wouldn't have been as severe allowing you to fight longer and thus make a comeback.

Regardless, I'll poke around in the code and make sure nothing unexpected is going on as you suggest.

Thanks for the report!
