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View Full Version : Can't win a single fight even with better items and stats ?

10-19-2011, 03:58 PM
I've just bought a new gladiators with nice stats :

He's lvl 3 now, i'm maxing pole arms, he has a spear, he's wearing boiled leather armor, fighting style : lunge, activity level 6, blood lust 4.

The only fight i've won so far is vs someone who was nude, no armor and no weapons. I've never been against someone who had better stats than me, most people doesnt even have armor and they only have a basic sword. So i'm wondering whats wrong with my gladiator. My other one has lower stats and he wins 80% of the time.

So, i'm wondering if pole arms isnt just bad ?

I'll appreciate any tips. It's very frustrating to waste so much gold and time just to get a new gladiator with good stats and end up with a complete fail.

10-19-2011, 04:21 PM
how are you losing? if its from passing out, lower bloodlust and activity to 3 and see how that goes

10-19-2011, 04:32 PM
If only it was only from passing out, but no, most of the time it end up like this: KHAEROS begs and pleads that his life be spared, and in a moment of weakness, BAAS A allows it! Because they simply outplay me dramatically.

10-19-2011, 05:28 PM
I took a look at your fight against BAAS A, and you barely lost so I wouldn't worry about it too much, it's not like you got dominated or anything. I can't see what your items are but both you and he are in grays so to say you have "better" items isn't really true and at such an early level a lot is still left up to chance if both gladiators are using decent or better strategies. Get yourself some greens or blues or purples and you'll see a difference and if you only get one make it your weapon. Just keep training in your weapon skill and don't stop until you have a 5 or 6 in it and you'll see a lot more wins.

10-20-2011, 12:29 AM
At lowers levels i use a 3-3 strategy and when i get very tired switch to 1-1 so atleast the accuracy is proper and you fumble alot less with your weapons
At level 5 weapon skill drop some training points in other skills so you have some level 1 skills than train to level 6 in weapons.

Since you have a war try to visit the blacksmith at some point and buy some heavy armor because you should exploit his strong points as soon as possible.
Also arena challenge and tavern quests drop items that can be usefull.

Polearms have worked great for me at the lower levels once you hit the higher level glads they work less but still can give you a good amount of wins.

10-20-2011, 09:28 AM
Thanks for your feedback guys !