View Full Version : Signature Move...Is it worth it?

10-09-2011, 03:20 AM
Just wanted to get feedback from other manager's on their thoughts and feeling towards this skill. I am personally on the fence, towards its effectiveness and value during a fight. Just wondering how others feel about it. It is worth investing alot of skill points towards it, or finding other places to put those skill points to use?

10-09-2011, 03:35 AM
Absolutely! I've been on the receiving end of blinding attacks and disarms that in many cases turn the tide. Sweep isn't bad if the gladiator also trains in Death From Above, however perhaps Oedi and Kaos will have more to offer since they have a lot more experience running theatrics gladiators.

10-09-2011, 03:58 AM
To put it simple all my theatrics train signature move to a minimum of skill rank 7. The rest you can figure out for yourself ;)

10-09-2011, 11:44 PM
my theatrics has it at 5, one fight he kept his opponent floored almost the entire combat, was pretty funny, i think leveling it up further lets the glad use more than just one type (stun, sweep and disarm)

10-12-2011, 11:09 AM
it does not. im at the fabled 8 skill level and my glad still only sweeps. its a "build around me" skill unless your sig move is Stun. then even if it fails to stun it does monster damage. my advice is to remake until you get sig move :stun... sweep only helps slightly and uses an attack that does does no damage. blind is nice but again no damage and limited effect. disarm CAN potentially be a fight winner. but only if your opponent is reall unlucky and has low int. and gets a weapon that is counter to their strategy. ie getting a mace when your slashing. stun on the other hand does damage even if the stun fails. and when it does stun leave your opponent open for at the bare least the rest of the current round. but more than likely its a 2 round stun. and stun is the only sig move that has a chance to critical.

10-12-2011, 11:13 AM
At level 10 Sig move stun does a standard of 2 round stuns as far as ive seen from the arena challenges

10-12-2011, 11:22 AM
if your sig move is naturally stun it does a 2 round stun at level 2+ ive seen this my freinds glad has it at level 5 right now and it almost always stuns for 2.

10-13-2011, 06:06 AM
cainedesoulis, my guy normally does a sweep as his signiture move however in one fight I had today he used stun, I have examples of both from my fights today and I can provide screenshots if needed.

BLOOD WHISPER clashes with SASUKE MARU and tries to wound him.
BLOOD WHISPER looks to sweep SASUKE MARU with one of his signature moves! (-Signature Move: Sweep-)
SASUKE MARU gets knocked off balance by the strike and falls to the ground!

and in the fight directly following

BLOOD WHISPER tries to slice into MACLEO with his FINE STABBER.
BLOOD WHISPER looks to stun MACLEO with one of his signature moves! (-Signature Move: Stun-)
Poor lunge toward the ankle accomplishes very little. (+3 Damage)

so I do think you can do more than one, granted this is the only time i've ever seen anything other than sweep in the many fights (arena, contract and arena challenge) that my guy has fought in since he started learning this move.

10-13-2011, 01:17 PM
im sorry it CAN happen but its rare for it to be anything different. if your sig move at level 2 is sweep 90% of the time it will always be sweep.

10-16-2011, 09:33 AM
Can you untrain and retrain it at level 1 to change it or is it SET on that.

10-16-2011, 03:32 PM
its set ive tried

Team Ziggler
10-21-2011, 04:39 PM
The only question i have about it, have you tried to reset it multiple times? If its chance based, and you've only done it once, there is a good percent chance that it rolled the same thing.

10-21-2011, 05:26 PM
possible i could try resetting multiple times. 8 to learn it 2 to forget it and use the black market fights as a test
hoping it triggers at 1 skill level. i'll do that tommorow with prey get 125 trophies and reset it 12 times
hoping for something other than disarm on him

Team Ziggler
10-22-2011, 08:13 PM
Good, at least I won't have to spend the trophies... (>O3O)>

10-24-2011, 08:24 AM
I'm pretty sure it is set, I've reset mine 5 times now and it has been sweep every single time. tough lesson to learn after spending a ton of trophies and wasted training points :(

10-27-2011, 06:06 AM
ive reset mine more than 10 times with prey. each time Sig move: Disarm. EXCEPT 1 instance in the black market where i used Sig Move: Stun. i have not changed sig move since then and have used sig move disarm in subsequent fights. i used sig move disarm nearly 20 times now and on one occasion i have used sig move stun. i'm going to reroll it until im out of trophies then call this confirmed

10-27-2011, 06:18 AM
and i after more rerolls the final result is Sigmove:Disarm....... 22 rerolls. in total all resulting in the same move. this is confirmed... as for the myth of leveling your sigmove past 8 and gaining access to all moves. this is also a myth. your sig move is preset at the birth of your character an cannot be changed. If you have sigmove disarm or sigmove sweep. there is no point in leveling this skill past 1. with 1 in this skill i performed my sig move 90% of the fights fought. with sigmove:stun and sigmove:blind you may want to go higher. but the 1 time i used it during testing at skill level 1 it did 300 damage (as much as a level 8 rampage >.<) and stunned for 2 rounds with bleeding for 9. the limitations as far as i can tell with sigmove:stun is it can only be used once a minute.

If ANY gladiator has 1 point to spare and the ability to put a lone point into sig move. just to find out if your sigmove is stun. and even if its not Sigmove WILL trigger OFTEN with a single Training point.

NOTE: If your wielding a 2handed weapon DO NOT keep a sigmove that is not stun because it replaces a damaging attack with an attack that does no damage and will be detrimental. Nothing is worse than seeing a 2 handed rage glad last stand and then sweeping his opponent only for him to stand up the next round and finish him off.


Tested with 325 trophies 22 tavern missons 30 black market fights, 1 arena fight and 3 arena challenges and PREY (Rage duel wielding daggers)

10-27-2011, 08:12 AM
Wow thanks for the info Cain, kinda a let down you can't change it. Both of my theatrics have blind so i guess it could be worse but it would have been nice to have been able to of spent the trophies to have a shot at getting stun.

11-18-2011, 02:56 AM
hey, can i ask does signature move stack with barreling attack?

11-18-2011, 01:42 PM
Once knocked down, knockdowns do nothing useful.

01-05-2012, 12:03 PM
I just had that odd ball attack too, my guy has used the knockdown signature move for a lot of fights and then today i get this out of no where:

REEKO runs madly around the arena.
REEKO tries to strike his opponent.
REEKO looks to stun PANDANSLESDENTS with one of his signature moves! (-Signature Move: Stun-)
REEKO's attack lands on PANDANSLESDENTS's armpit causing magnificent damage! (+172 Damage)

01-05-2012, 01:08 PM
SM has always worked like this. You will have a favorite move that you almost always will use, but when you get higher lvls you will at some occasions use one of the other moves. As stated earlier in this thread ive seen an increase of useing other moves when you hit lvl 8. Sadly nothing exeptional will happen, and because of this I decided to stop Ormgars training of SM at lvl 7. His favorite move is stun.